Gear smoothness

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Club Guest
Mar 20, 2006
Every morning when I first start my car and put the gear in D, the first gear will rav until about 3000 rpm before change to the next, if I don't rav beyond 3000 rpm it will be on 1st and the gear won't shift.This problem do not occur if I let the engine heat 1st before I drive.The car have done about 27,000km Do I need to change the gear box oil???BTW is it ok if we shift to Sports Mode while driving and then play with the steptronic?? Some one told me that it is better to stop the car first before switching to SD/ doesn't make sense to me coz obviously when you are driving that is when you wanted to switch to SD/Steptronics right???? To get SPORTY Mah!!!!Please adviseStill a virgin.........Hi Hi
so can I assume it is normal for them to be sleepier then the owner....wakakakak.

And wat about the switching from D to SD mode while you are doing, let say 100km/h and then play with the steptronic?????
Can the gear take this sort of intrusion???
I assumed it's one way for the gearbox fluid to reach optimum operating temp faster???
so it is NORMAL, so I don't have to worry when I sleep tonite......right??? Hi Hi

I am annoying!!!

Hi Fabian are you the one who sold me the T-shirt last friday???
Nice meeting you!!And also the rst of the gangs.
from D to SD i dare

but if u ask me do shift to SD mood

then down shift to M2

i dun dare

M3 i think i dare gua

I also dun dare but down to M3 and then to M2 or even M1 I dare.
Any different between D and SD mode??
Is the RPM supposed to be higher before the shift??
It's perfectly safe and OK to shift from D to SD to M1,2,3,4,5 to SD to D whilst driving fast, driving slow or sitting still.

If a downshift will over rev the engine, the computer won't carry out your instruction.

Can't comment about the first thing in the morning thing, cos I can't remember.
If you were running an M20 running the ZF 4HP22 auto I'd be inclined to say 'get your box checked pronto' - reluctance to shift up is generally not a good sign particularly from cold.

However, you are running an E46 with only 27k on the clock..... there shouldnt be anything wrong with it..... not this soon anyway...
When u want to overtake a car,i recommend u to change to sport mode..Well,i think nothing will affect ur car..I always play with the sport mode..

Anyway,early in the morning,before u start ur journey,make sure u wait for a few minutes..Or else,the car will be definitely weird,esp the rpm (always happened when i late for classes) :getyourfactsright:
i find that shifting from D to S the the rpm goes further and hold longer (S for Stim mar) car stim liow go faster n longer lor :D
OK!! Thanks guys, now I know how to make my car "S"TIM from "D"ull LOL.

So I reckoned that the morning thing is normal since a few of you all have this symptom.

I thought morning always easy to GET up mah!!! :aggressive:
no la

where got easy get up


last nite work too hard

mornign still lazi ma


alrite...wanna play my STIM mode also

can one!! you must pakai the alarm clock lah!!! and also if got one nice partner next to you I guarantee you early early already UP lor!!!!

No wonder my car morning no UP lar!!! No partner mah!!!
my UDM got 1 partner

beside her got 1 hansum C230k kor kor

maybe the C230k dun like her ler

Wahh!! so lucky arh!! some more got foreign partner. No wonder your car got UP Stim lar!! Kekekeke

BTW forgot to mentioned that sometime when I shift the gear from P to R to N to D there will be a "thud" sound in R, the sound only come from R.

I wonder if there is anything wrong with my gearbox lah!! :dunno:

Maybe too much R rated movie...kekekeke!!!!
i think i got the sound also from N R P

last my UDM ...she got her elder sister E90 park beside her

but lately the elder sister duno go out with which hamsap luo liao

mine also has the same sound when shifting from N->R->P

Hope this is normal...
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