Gate..Anybody got jalan

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...aiya if want to jump what gate also will current gate also very easy to jump but they prefer to take thier time to unattach the swing arm from the gate
this a sliding door...

why not do a folding door, these days it saves space, faster and once folded it's not imposing to the neighbours...
I thought I saw somebody standing IN THE dividing walls :eek: EEEEeeeeeeekkKKKKKKKk.....!!!!

I prefer those lower part got wood one, so I can run out in my undies without other realising it.. :p
astroboy;425043 said:
I thought I saw somebody standing IN THE dividing walls :eek: EEEEeeeeeeekkKKKKKKKk.....!!!!

I prefer those lower part got wood one, so I can run out in my undies without other realising it.. :p

hantu are funny lah
pussy;425041 said:
this a sliding door...

why not do a folding door, these days it saves space, faster and once folded it's not imposing to the neighbours...

Yah..I want to do folding, the picture is to show the design of the gate only...
My fabricator very expensive and lansi wan, u can afford or not? what is your budget? Gate alone is no less than RM3k, what opener u want? Swing arm? floor conceal? or like the one in the photo? Cabling to the auto gate sudah ada ka?

Who's the fella standing in the partitioning wall la!! :eek:

Lansi means:

Me: When can finish?
He: Dunno yet.

1 week later,
Me: Finish d? Can install?
He: Not yet, still in queue, I already jump Q for u.
Me: So when la?
He: Dunno yet, when ready I will call u.

another week gone,
Me: Amacam?
He: Still not yet.
Me: So when la? Tomorrow? next month? next year?
He: Dunno yet, when ready I will call u.
Me: But I need it already! I have no gate for weeks lio! I cannot sleep at night la!
He: I will try to rush for u.
Me: So when, agak-agak?
He: Dunno yet, when ready I will call u.


This fabricator is an artist for metal fabrication... :eek: dealing with artist is really such an experience.. !!!

My rot iron design I draw myself.. :p Paiseh.. :p
Wei AB

Knn.. so lansi some more expensive some more you want to introduce to me friend ah?
I dunno who is thatlah...why you fell in love with her oledi is it? I suppose its somebodies maidlah..blardy kepohlah u..:love:
XXX, go to some industrial area sure plenty of them. I know of a few in the USJ industrial area.

If I were you, since you are re-doing your gate, might as well remove the pillar in the middle and make a wider entrance. One time pain! :)

ALBundy;425085 said:
XXX, go to some industrial area sure plenty of them. I know of a few in the USJ industrial area...

Seriously, get some recommended ones.. they are all sorts of material especially the thickness of the metal and cement seal to stop rain water to seep into the metal piping at every welding point, very important to ensure the gate last a reasonable time and hardy enuf so alignment doesn't lari for a long time. You should notice by know many mis-aligned gate in the neighborhood, all just because want to penny wise.

Many cut corner methods in the gate fabrication process and you do not want to find out when its too late.

The roller folding gate have a tendency to jump off its track, alignment and material used for the roller very crucial! I avoided that.

I'm using a 13' swing 2 leafs swing gate, rot iron top and wood plane bottom, maximum size MBPJ allowed.. :p with a small door-in-gate for a human to get in and out without opening the gate... :D
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