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wah. many people kepoh liao.

some have good advice... especially to get a good lawyer. i remember hor, the law will award sufficient damages to the injured party to put him back into the position he was in before the matter at hand. as such, if A was able to show the court of law the cause, the damage and the causal link.... then not only will the potential award include the cost of fixing the car, also the legal costs, pain and suffering of the injured party (and interests from the day of the incident). just make sure A claims them all. i think the rm500 will not cover the interests oso...

so, if someone were to have managed to cause so much damage and run away by paying even 50% of it???? dat person untung this life and will pay the balance (and interests) later to his maker.

anyway, the good samaritans shud pass the hat around to get A a good lawyer. let justice prevail.... else the maker will be having a darn heck of a fun time punishing later. ha ha ha ha ha....
Aiaaah..i always believe theres TWO side to a i see only story story 2..or maybe there's a story 3..
ICEman63 said:
Aiaaah..i always believe theres TWO side to a i see only story story 2..or maybe there's a story 3..

perhaps then they should come out and tell their side of the story, or are they too afraid to reveal themselves ? In any case.. how hard is it to understand ? YOU DENT IT, YOU MEND IT..... It's as simple as that
ICEman63 said:
Aiaaah..i always believe theres TWO side to a i see only story story 2..or maybe there's a story 3..

perhaps you want to share what you know , or if you know anything of story no.2 or no.3.......

or maybe you didn't read the thread in the firt place, the car was seriously damage by B and now A is being offered the compensation of rm500 to settle it?

have you seen the car's damage, or maybe you where told it was a slight dent only.....

BTW IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW, the driver puked after the crash.....and it was not Mr.A.......
teejay said:
BTW IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW, the driver puked after the crash.....and it was not Mr.A.......

Really ??? :eek: Now that kind of reaction can only mean that the impact was hard and that would simply equate to really bad damage...
Guess all of what is to be said has been said already.

I have nothing much to add except that... should we not be responsible for our actions? I had been test-driving many cars when I was in the market for an E36 and eventually an E34. I do not drive all-out while test driving, just sufficient enough to gauge the car without tearing it apart. Of course I would be responsible for any damage that is a DIRECT consequence of my action. Oh, I only abuse my own cars....:D .

Ding ding, I have a feeling I know who Mr A is (I know it sucks...) but Mr B, BB....?

Oh, I can remember a time I was in a car with zog when he tested someone's ABS, I almost puked.:eek: Would I let him test drive my car? Hmmmm.....:cool:
wah lao.....even DD is reading this thread!

First of all, I dunno why some of you assumed A = Ding......if he wanted to be known he will admit to it, so let's not assume.

As many I said before, let this be a reminder that we should respect other ppl's possession but the question is asked - how to settle this.

Many ideas has cropped up and most agreed to the world standard - Bent it, Mend it Policy ( to condition before crash condition ) but the sad fact is Mr B is not somehow educated in life to honour this. And yes, esp when he was reckless from the very begining and diong it on public roads summore I guess! STUPID!

So anyway, let me re-cap - the options now are :
1) 50/50 settlement
2) Sue the pants of B and make him puke many times more.

Anymore? No. 2 could be a very drawn out affair benefiting another 3rd party...the lawyers so I rather not go that route. No.1 may not be ideal but as XXX said, life is never fair!

Sad that 2 fellas who can share a passion for cars now just have fire for each other.

Mr A, take a deep breath - remember your friends here support you! ( based on Story no. 1 ) Hopefully we are all wiser from this sad episode.
I thought that this forum was created to share information and experiences about BMWs. This thread has become a "Dear Thelma" issue.

My symphaties to A on this unfortunate turn of events. B should be more responsible. These are the facts......but how sure are we that everything presented here is accurate? It's anybody's guess.....

In this case, unless B had signed a release form before the test drive, there is no chance of a legal case at all. After all, A had taken possession of his car after the 'repairs', this act alone completely absolves B from any further legal implications as it implies that A has accepted whatever work was carried out on his car.

Anyway, que-sera-sera and c'est la vie.......enough of this discussion as it is obvious that there are personal issues being tossed around. Just like topics involving politics and religion, there can NEVER be an objective discussion.

Moderators, i think this thread should be closed as all necessary and unecessary opinions have been voiced. Let's get back to talking about BMW related matters.
Im fully agree wit close this tread..

BTW, sithwarrior, I thought that commitee members are supposed to be neutral and try to resolve issues and not flame and incite emotional responses? Seems like you have a personal interest in these proceedings.....

Sa wa di krap and have a nice day ooops and have a Happy Happy New Year...MMMMMuuah
A must buy new car first mah. Later then settle the bugger. :mad:
ICEman63 said:
Im fully agree wit close this tread..

BTW, sithwarrior, I thought that commitee members are supposed to be neutral and try to resolve issues and not flame and incite emotional responses? Seems like you have a personal interest in these proceedings.....

Sa wa di krap and have a nice day ooops and have a Happy Happy New Year...MMMMMuuah

How dare you assume that I have a personal intrest in these things. Are you afraid to respond to what I wrote ? The poor lad has been severly inconvinienced, by some one who get his "ya ya's" over trashing someone elses ride, thats ok to you ?

Tell me what is your definition of neutral ? Should I not share my toughts ?
iceman 63.. you're cracking me up dude ... have you made an intro of yourself at the newbie section ???
Ask you a simple question,if this is to happen to you ,what would you do ???
It's up to DING to decide and select which options are the best listed down here... NOT YOU ??
and so pls don't say words about the committee and so on whereby you yourself don't know who we are personally... HAVE WE MEET ??
Just like TEEJAY mention below perhaps you know what's going on here of this incident.. kind to share ??

DVST --- with due respect ---
what say if i smash your car mirror and say sorry dude i only can pay you Rm50 /= will you take it or leave it?? OR perhaps i replaced it with another mirror from a CHOP shop rather that the Glass SHOP what would you do ??? i've not signed anything here....

I think what ding is trying to say is that he is indeed needing for a constructive advise as off how can he get things solved... it's just like Ferry's thread about the workshop.
I still think 50/50 is the way to go bcos at the end of the day once repaired A would have a better conditioned car than before 'technically', just like insurance if not mistaken if you want to change to new parts after accident and your car is already 6 years old u pay the excess, reasoning is your bumper already 6 years old if I get you a new one its to your advantage and in insurance you only get compensated you dont gain any advantage.
A- Get a GANG and FUCK him up!!.. it's not about money anymore!! I would KILL HIM.. that's about the only way to deal with this situation.

I know you're probably too nice to do so, so why not just take the 500 bucks ...then hire someone else to do it? you can get an arm for 500..
guru said:
A- Get a GANG and FUCK him up!!.. it's not about money anymore!! I would KILL HIM.. that's about the only way to deal with this situation.

I know you're probably too nice to do so, so why not just take the 500 bucks ...then hire someone else to do it? you can get an arm for 500..

Bro that's a good one.... but then relax with your "F" word there lar bro ..chill chill
Hellooooo please be more constructive in your advise we dont want any bloodshed here otherwise the mods have to close the thread and nothing is solved.
guru said:
A- Get a GANG and FUCK him up!!.. it's not about money anymore!! I would KILL HIM.. that's about the only way to deal with this situation.

I know you're probably too nice to do so, so why not just take the 500 bucks ...then hire someone else to do it? you can get an arm for 500..

wah.... no violence please... We are peace-loving BMW lovers here...
enuff of talk - time for action alredy!! you gave the B fella time to resolve this.

sorry for profanity, i damn angry man!!
DVST8 said:
In this case, unless B had signed a release form before the test drive, there is no chance of a legal case at all. After all, A had taken possession of his car after the 'repairs', this act alone completely absolves B from any further legal implications as it implies that A has accepted whatever work was carried out on his car.

Damn, I did not know that. So know I can just walk into a crystal shop and "accidently" break a masterpiece and I walk walk away scott free? As you said I have not signed a release form.

And A took possesion of the car because he has got to go to work, pick up the wifey and generally continue life. If A refused to take the car from the workshop, A would die of hunger, A's wife would have left him and who knows what will happen to the kid.

It'd different if you have 2 cars, it's different if you have 1 car.

Oh furthermore, I posted this up in general discussion. And I quote
"General discussions under the sun.
WARNING: No public-unfriendly or sensitive discussions or get shot"

Got it?
Ding dont try that bcos ur inside the premises unless u run away and they cannot catch you...than u r free from any liabilities.
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