Fluctuating rev meter

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Mar 8, 2005
Greetings to all you sifus out there,I need your input/advise on a problem that it has recently started occuring on my udm. Whenever i am on stationary,my rev meter will start fluctuating up and down. Before, it only occurs when I turn off my air con before I switch off the engine. Now.... its beginning to happen when my gear is engaged on D while waiting for the lights to change,etc...etc...Any ideas? Btw I ride is a 1995 325i.....
Could be your MAF sensor or Idling valve (under the manifold). This problem shd able to used modic to check.

Experienced the same problem on my 318i. It turned out to be a failed Air Flow Meter. Your 325 would be the MAF. Ask your mech to check it out.
Had the same problem with my E30 but its gone after I serviced my AFM :yahoo: . If that fails to solve it, could be your ICV :( .
Originally posted by 325i@May 17 2005, 05:39 PM
errr....MTek...... what is ICV?.....and am i in serious trouble?
ICV = Idle Control Valve

Its not actually serviceable, me think. You can try cleaning it. AFAIK, brand new ICV for M20 engine costs RM260. Used ones should not cost more than RM100. For newer engines, the ICVs are more advanced type which should cost a little more.

But as I said, try servicing your AFM. There is a thread under DIY section which describes in detail on how to.

Cheers, btw you are not in serious trouble.
You can also clean MAF especially the O2 sensor. Becareful though, use cotton buds drenched with carb cleaner.

But, like Jarance said, doubt it will yield the same result as in cleaning AFMs.
Clean ur MAF...& yes, it makes a lot of difference eventhough there r no
moving parts there.After cleaning the sensor, the CO must b adjusted.Use Modic.

Regards B)
Hi 325,

Since your engine is M50, the ICV is under the intake manifold (black plastic thing that does from throttlebody to the cylinder head. It is covered by the first plastic BMW cover on the left side of the engine (if you were sitting in the car)..

Very difficult to reach. Get you Mech to take it out and its hoses, clean the whole thing with carb cleaner, then put it back. Actually, as some said, cleaning the MAF and intake elbow tube can help tremendously. At least you do not have to spend money replacing things if it is only dirt in these that causes the erratic idle.

*** Very important: As your Mech to RESET the computer AFTER the cleaning is done. Procedure: Remove the battery terminals (+ve first then -ve). Put key in ignition Position II, connect the + and -ve battery together for 10 mins. Off the ignition and remove the key. Put battery terminals back. You are done.

When you drive your car, it may feel either very Good or very Poor. Do not worry. After 2 hours of driving, the computer will "learn" the adaptive paramters and settle down to a good idle and cure your problems.
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