Finally Got My E23...

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Club Guest
Feb 9, 2006
Thanks to Ace99 and M30Revival who drove up all the way from KL to Penang to transport his E23 to me. It's very different feel, it's big, imposing and in immaculate condition. Only thing is that 1 day after I got it...petrol price went up to 1.92!!I can't seem to park it in my apartment space as it's longer than my parking lot! :dunno: Still I would appreciate any tips on how to drive this baby in Penang...I think I nearly ran over a few motorcyclists already! :aggressive:
Now I have to park it outside the apartment as I can't fit it in...should I install a car alarm system...or will I mess up the electrical system.

Now when I drive around, more people call me Taukeh...funny.

But most of all I like it as it is solid, can carry my small family comfortably...but later I have to put in petrol lio....

Also I am not used to the accelerator...very different from my old Honda. My foot is tired from stepping on it...maybe I am doing it wrong.
Originally posted by Doc@Mar 1 2006, 03:42 PM
Now when I drive around, more people call me Taukeh...funny.
That is the advantage of driving a BMW.... :D Try driving into a hotel in a Wira and a BMW.... see the difference in treatment. :blink:

Oh, congrats in your purchase. You have a good one there. And M30 sure looks after his car. I know, I had bought his car once. :nyehehe:
Originally posted by Doc@Mar 1 2006, 03:42 PM
Now I have to park it outside the apartment as I can't fit it in...should I install a car alarm system...or will I mess up the electrical system.
Advisable to have an alarm to protect what is inside the car. The car itself, don't worry, I doubt it is a "hot" car. But you need to get a reputable shop to do up the alarm.
Originally posted by Doc@Mar 1 2006, 03:42 PM
Also I am not used to the accelerator...very different from my old Honda. My foot is tired from stepping on it...maybe I am doing it wrong.
Harder to press means step less means save petrol wor.... :D
It's true, the E23 is shiny friend said very good luck must put 4 digit number...I hope I win some cash to pay for fuel!
Any tips how to improve fuel consumption? I'm getting only 100km with 25 litres of fuel in Penang Traffic. :cry:
Originally posted by Doc@Mar 3 2006, 03:35 PM
Any tips how to improve fuel consumption? I'm getting only 100km with 25 litres of fuel in Penang Traffic. :cry:
Holy shit, that is terrible.... RM0.48/km.

My only advice.... don't drive it in traffic jam situations.... use it as outstation car, like me. :D
:beaten: Ya have to put RM50 every 2 days... I will try to switch off the aircon .. but it's so hot here! Maybe at night. Also trying to drive economically...but if jam sure burn fuel!
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