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Originally posted by ALBundy@Jun 21 2005, 03:41 AM
Someone's gotta take the sh!t...JPB, you think there is case against Michelin and the 7 teams that pulled out of the race?

FIA is flexing their muscles again... If they are not carefull, there will be a boycott and everyone looses.

How dumb can they be by asking the Michellin runners to slow down on turns 12/13 during the race? Talk about safety, they surely would realize that the Bridgestone runners will be trucking down those turns at max speeds of over 300km/h and would run a high risk of slamming into the back of Michellin shod cars slowing down on one of the fastest corners on the track.... FIA is a genius man.
Actually I am eagerly waiting for the Off Road battle on the 29th of June, more exciting than the actual racing on the track haha.

I am a little amused when all this while FIA is imposing all sorts of rule to slow down the F1 cars to "ensure" the safety of the drivers. Isn't what FIA is saying contradicted themself? :blink: :blink: :unsure:
Originally posted by ALBundy@Jun 21 2005, 08:41 AM
Someone's gotta take the sh!t...JPB, you think there is case against Michelin and the 7 teams that pulled out of the race?

I got no comments, man! The FIA is a lawless institution that creates and apply its own regulations arbitrarily and unfairly. They seem motivated by insidious elements. If there's a legal hearing, it's all gonna be another farce since we all know that FIA's tribunals are not independent! :dunno:
Some of u guys who still think what FIA or in actual fact the steward of US race did or not did, is definitely making me laugh.

If u think anyone in this world that come unprepared the day for say,
a. examination, bcos been reading the wrong book, or
b. brought everything along aside from swimming gear to an Olympic swimming event, or
c. the whole football team can't make it to the stadium bcos their coaches (guess what) tyre fail to make it to the stadium on time, & anymore bizzare event u can think of.

All the above, and you want the rules to bend just bcos u make a big bad boo boo. Whats inexcusable, is the experience, and preparatory work that should have been done. Having said that, no one can accept a sport, if its only a show without the competitiveness edge in it (say racing without points). Might as well watch wrestling, guess more entertaining and probably no politics or conspiracy can be cooked up. Me think. Not unless u think they are really fighting. :rofl:

BTW, I guess the real reason for not racing, from my not much good "calculation", that the tyre won't make the finish line even with the chicane. Mine u, if my "calculation" is correct, its 73 laps as oppose to what they describe as can't even make 10 laps. How can they calculate that the tyre can make it with the chicane without testing or simulation is beyond me.

Oh yeah, guys u don't have to justify what u think is right!

cheers. :D
P.S. Just to think about the excuse/work-around (or request/proposal in the words of Michelin) to the above example I can think of makes me laugh even harder. Example a. Request for exam paper subject to be change so that the rest who burnt the right midnight oil wouldn't have the advantage. Worse still, now blame the examiner who is holding the exam. :blink:
Originally posted by chaiks@Jun 21 2005, 04:35 PM
Some of u guys who still think what FIA or in actual fact the steward of US race did or not did is definitely making me laugh?

If u think anyone in this world that come unprepared the day for say,
a. examination, bcos been reading the wrong book, or
b. brought everything along aside from swimming gear to an Olympic swimming event, or
c. the whole football team can't make it to the stadium bcos their coaches (guess what) tyre fail to make it to the stadium on time, & anymore bizzare event u can think of.

All the above, and you want the rules to bend just bcos u make a big bad boo boo. Whats inexcusable, is the experience, and preparatory work that should have been done. Having said that, no one can accept a sport, if its only a show without the competitiveness edge in it (say racing without points). Might as well watch wrestling, guess more entertaining and probably no politics or conspiracy can be cooked up. Me think. Not unless u think they are really fighting. :rofl:

BTW, I guess the real reason from my not much good "calculation", that the tyre won't make the finish line even with the chicane. Mine u, if my "calculation" is correct, its 73 laps as oppose to what they describe as can't even make 10 laps. How can they calculate that the tyre can make it with the chicane without testing or simulation is beyond me.

Oh yeah, guys u don't have to justify what u think is right!

cheers. :D
P.S. Just to think about the excuse/work-around (or request/proposal in the words of Michelin) to the above example I can think of makes me laugh even harder. Example a. Request for exam paper subject to be change so that the rest who burnt the right midnight oil wouldn't have the advantage. :blink:
That's not entirely the issue if you had observed E46F, OSF and my rantings carefully. It is the selective manner in which rules have been applied. Over the years, there has been many prime examples of how Ferrari has gotten off scot free for major breaches while other teams are held to the point of extortion.

Personally, I try not to have anything against Ferrari or their tifosi but in all honesty, I can't stand the local fans I have met even among friends. They can be so arrogant of Ferrari's dominance over the years till they become oblivous of other team's plights or the overall interest of the sport i.e. esp in the interest of safety. It seems that the general F1 community is begining to feel that way in their unified action last Sunday. I felt great in how they made Ferrari's victory so "hollow".

In the end, Ferrari may well have merit for their achievements but the way their fans think and behave have over-shadowed and qualmed any affinity I can have for this team. I especially liked how one particular fan in his cocked-up, balding, spectacled, snearing face once told me how he thot his Alfa Romeo 156 is close to driving a Ferrari which in turn derived its technology from the F1 car. When asked if he had in fact driven a Ferrari, I had the pleasure of interjecting and sharing my experience only to gleefully conclude (albeit dishonestly with tonque in cheek, hehe!) that it felt very much like my BMW 3-series, not the new E46 but my older E36 318i. He refused to talk to me after that in absolute disgust, hahahahaha!!!
Nolah actually ah this is the real story a yellow kookaburra told me one, when the FIA ask the the Michelle's Lin team to go slow slow at the kengchau corner they only have to press few button and then their 6th gear rpm instead of 18-20k only can go max 15k thats all and everybody happy but if they do that sure the bridgestone shod team will win mah so to save them the embarassment of being overtaken by a Minardi they decided not to raceloh..like dat also u all dunno meh.
So now everybody should put the blame on Minardi.. :D
Originally posted by XXX@Jun 22 2005, 01:07 AM
Nolah actually ah this is the real story a yellow kookaburra told me one, when the FIA ask the the Michelle's Lin team to go slow slow at the kengchau corner they only have to press few button and then their 6th gear rpm instead of 18-20k only can go max 15k thats all and everybody happy but if they do that sure the bridgestone shod team will win mah so to save them the embarassment of being overtaken by a Minardi they decided not raceloh..like dat also u all dunno meh.
So now everybody should put the blame on Minardi.. :D

Good one never thought of that scenario, & I thought minardi boss stoddard blaming the yellow car is funny.

JPB, actually u may have a point there. Maybe all this while, the whole f1 circus is really a circus show (like wrestling) staged to entertain and spice it up with conspiracies. Maybe all the parties are in it. That explain why the "FIA" are willing to gamble with the potential of losing the interest of US market (not a lot as far as I know), and the split of another race. Thats why they are currently staging the DNF for Alonso to close the gap of the competition that shud be for stopping MS. Sounds like I'm getting interested to watch f1 again & again. If u r all correct, that shud mean MS & Ferrari will win this year, although sounds impossible now.

Ya la.. no doubt Michelin screwed up.

I think the contention is what could have been done in those circumstances to avoid the 6 car race after.

Oh well whats done is done... Now the fun part and see how the folks behind F1 react and take action. I think its bound to expose some interesting motives, and agendas to the public heh.
Oh ya this just in. After winning every single race this season except for Indy which they didn't take part, the FIA is trying to charge Michelin for providing lousy unsafe tyres and exclude them from the world championship. Yea baby... show them who's boss!!

The madness continues

Pierre Dupasquier, United States GP 2005© The Cahier ArchiveWe hear that the FIA has ordered Michelin to supply it with full details of all of its tyre failures in recent times and that the federation has instructed the French tyre maker that the information will be put in front of an independent technical expert to decide whether or not Michelin's F1 tyres are dangerous. We have not seen the letter from FIA President Max Mosley to Michelin but apparently it suggests that the outcome of this could be the exclusion of Michelin from the World Championship, which would leave seven teams with no tyres for future races.

As most of the cars are designed specifically for Michelin tyres this would mean that cars could not be run because of safety issues.

We expect to see the teams providing a robust defence of the charges against them and we would expect to see a similar reaction from Michelin.

The alternative is for the companies involved to begin to quit the F1 scene - which is quite possible now - which would be the start of an even bigger disaster for the sport.

The FIA World Council next week will be the most significant FIA meeting for more than 10 years with the major question not being the details of what happened in Indianapolis but rather whether the best interest of the sport is to have a World Championship featuring the best of the best or a ruined championship over which the FIA has full control to do as it pleases.

In the second case, it is likely that there will be a rival championship featuring the refugees of F1 as we now know it.

For us, there is only one acceptable answer but we must see if the World Council members agree or whether they believe that it is best to kill what we have and start again with something new.
Michelin had done a lousy job but they did the right thing. Safety is and should always be the foremost consideration.

Following Michelin's cue, the teams also did the right thing.

Now, what we have is a situation where it is clear to everybody that the show could not go on as planned.
(say a rock concert where 4 of the 5 members is critically ill and advised by the doctor not to perform)

So what did FIA do, find a compromise? No, they just have to show the team who is the boss.

Well, I think F1 is living on borrowed time anyway. Something like this is bound to happen - just a matter of time.

I think the 7 teams can set up a rival formula in a snap. What F1 has is the brand. It is a very valuable brand but it would be a mistake to think that the teams are helpless without FIA.

Interesting to see how far FIA will try to push its luck.
:( the fact that F1 is running on borrowed time is a known reality..only thing is we are all in denial.tell u the truth i miss the days of mansell,senna and prost where u are on the edge all the time throughout the race.now i find myself falling asleep through half the race cuz itz gotten soooo boring..
don't get me wrong,i'm an F1 fan juz like u all but its time for drastic change..
dunno what that shud be but if things don't change i'll probably start giving F1 a miss.. :( (though spa-franchochamps will be on my calender)
the US GP was a sad sad day for motorsports and IMHO everyone involved was to blame..
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