Engine Mounting

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Club Guest
Dec 18, 2004
Dear Beemer lovers, My beemer now start to vibrating esp during 1st gear..I made a quick search on this site and found a few info: http://www.bmwclubmalaysia.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4461&highlight=engine+vibrating but now I'm a bit confuse, as not many people talking about 'engine mounting' which I heard from the mechanics, "which causing this vibrating thingy"..they said. The all other thread are discussing about 'ignition coil' that causing this, so: 1. Are engine mounting and 'ignition coil' has any relation at all, or they are totally different thing?2. If they are diff thing, what's actually 'engine mounting' is?3. How much usually does it cost to do 'engine mounting'?4. Any recommended workshop? I plan to go to the workshop this weekend, but I need some idea 1st about this before hand... appreciate your prompt help...
oh ya, BTW, I don't have my rpm go down when it vibrates, so it looks to me like a 'engine mounting' but maybe I'm wrong, I don't know....

pls help
If your engine mounts are gone, you will experience vibration when you are at a standstill. the worse the condition of your mounts, the worse the vibration. The vibration will disappear when you are moving.

the engine mounts are EXACTLY what their name suggests. Mounts where the engine is mounted on. Usually made from rubber to isolate the engine vibrations from the chassis.

the cost should be under rm1000.

any BMW workshop will be able to replace them for you.
Chauffeur;248553 said:
Dear Beemer lovers,

My beemer now start to vibrating esp during 1st gear..I made a quick search on this site and found a few info:


but now I'm a bit confuse, as not many people talking about 'engine mounting' which I heard from the mechanics, "which causing this vibrating thingy"..they said.

The all other thread are discussing about 'ignition coil' that causing this, so:

1. Are engine mounting and 'ignition coil' has any relation at all, or they are totally different thing?
2. If they are diff thing, what's actually 'engine mounting' is?
3. How much usually does it cost to do 'engine mounting'?
4. Any recommended workshop?

I plan to go to the workshop this weekend, but I need some idea 1st about this before hand...

appreciate your prompt help...

1. Are engine mounting and 'ignition coil' has any relation at all, or they are totally different thing?
Mounting is mechanical. Ignition is electronic. They are not the same.

2. If they are diff thing, what's actually 'engine mounting' is?
Engine mounting is a piece of rubber pad. it is round in shape about 4" in diameter. Inside this rubber pad also contained some oil to act as aborber for vibration and shock. Your UDM basically will have 2 pieces of engine mounting. One piece on the right side of the engine and other piece on the left side. In addition, there is a gear box mounting at the end of the gear box where the long shaft is connected. If this mounting is gone, vibration will also be experience. Basically the engine and gearbox is supported by the 3 pieces of mounting. It is quite easy to change the engine mounting. Should take about 1 hour job.

3. How much usually does it cost to do 'engine mounting'?
I I did mine for less than RM500 (E36).

4. Any recommended workshop?
Depend on your location.. Please check the list of workshop thread.

You all are just unbelieveable:top: ! Thanks for helping, man... Seems to me that my problem is more towards the 'engine mounting', as it's gone when I start moving...

I do feel the performance degraded as well, but I hope it's not coil issue, I will ask the mechanic about this as well....

If there's more, bring it on guys...you all r just wonderful...!
Hmm learn something new... So how long or roughly these mounts will wear out?
well, never stop learning :)

In my case, my car is 6 years now, so I guess it's time...:stupid:
I just can't wait for my loan instalment to finish next year... :rock:
keN330;248586 said:
Hmm learn something new... So how long or roughly these mounts will wear out?

It depends on the usage. I changed mine after 10 years usage. but recently last about 6 months but it was due to an accident that I had.

Sometimes, if you go over a bump too fast, it will also damaged the engine mountings.

A damaged engine mounting can be easily detected. Visual inspection will shows you clearly that it is tear. However, some cannot be seen visually but it could be harden due to ageing process. One common symptom is constant or slight vibration at steering wheel whether engaged or neutral position of the gearbox.
I notice some even sell metal mounting instead of the rubber 1.
Which mean metal mounting is more solid 1 or hardcore 1.
Item 4 is the engine mounting

Thanks, guys.
I just wonder what would happened if we keep on delaying replacing it, I meant, other than that you feel uneasy when it vibrating, will it escalate to more serious problem?

Handling, cornering, suspension etc?

Just curious....
bro, if your engine mounting is damage get it replace immedieatly.

Do not attempt to take sharp corner as the engine will shifted from it centre position..

bro, why delay the work? It only 1 hour job... safety first..

my e30 engine mounting is less about rm100 a pair brand new.


well, a few more days to go towards the weekend, so a bit worry now... bz working during the days...

Already made appointment with mechanics, though...:wink:

jarance;248816 said:
bro, if your engine mounting is damage get it replace immedieatly.

Do not attempt to take sharp corner as the engine will shifted from it centre position..

bro, why delay the work? It only 1 hour job... safety first..

so basically how many engine mounting in bmw? I mean for E36 318i? 3 mounting or 4 mounting? Is there so call PU or Full ledge hard rubber for BMW engine mounting. Like we had in Japan car... (cause i know most japs car comes with 4 engine mounting - some have PU or Full ledge rubber and some is so call turbo mounting - which is hard type like ralliart)
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