Engine died

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Club Guest
Apr 8, 2005
I just had a problem, I'm not sure what the cause is.I was driving at 40-50 kmh just now, and right after taking a right turn, suddenly I felt the car choke and when I pressed the pedal it wasnt so smooth. I thought "something's going to happen" so I looked for a place I can stop by the road. Right upon stopping and putting my gear to Neutral, the engine dies and the Battery light comes up on the dash. The airconditioning wasnt on, my windows were up.After waiting about one minute, I started the car again, I just pressed on the pedal a couple of times just to make sure it wont die. Then I signalled and moved. I reached home which was just about 1km away. Upon reaching home, just after I put the gear to Parking, the engine dies again and the battery light comes again.Then after waiting some 30 secs, I try to start the car. RPM goes to 1000 then drops and gains then drops and engine dies.What could be wrong?My first guess is alternator, but it could also be air flow or timing.
Could be so many factors; I'll narrow down base on my experience.

1. Idle control (Since it dies off in N & P)
2. Air flow sensor
3. Fuel pump

Check these few items, get it Modic for fault code 1st. Dun simply change. The above items r expensive.

Ps: Try it with aircon on in N & P, switch aircon off & on..c wat happens ;)
exact same sympthoms on my car....pretty frustrating sometimes when ur in a traffic jam.... other times its just ok with no prob...sigh
Hrmm my car cant be started anymore. I just got in to start it, the normal ignition sould is cha cha cha cha vroom.. but now its just cha cha cha blekkkk.

What could it be? Is the cha cha cha the spark plug or the starter solenoid? What makes that sound?
You may also want to check the fuse box. Among other things, make sure the fuel pump fuse is not just about to break. Happened on me before.
Mostly it is the alternator...

Since there is the possible the power source has been use to depletion, get another battery from friend or whatsoever, try to start and take off one of the terminal after you start the engine, this will determine your alternator.

Good luck.z
Yeah.. happened to me last Saturday. Battery died out. Borrowed a battery from a friend, it was fine and dandy. Have replaced the battery since.
Isnt the cha-cha-cha-cha sound from the starter, i.e. from the distributor, i.e. from the battery?
mine was like this last time ,
travelling at 100km/h the car just goes off , wtf, call the tow car, tow to kayu ara rm 100 bucks , next morning found out that the connection clips (looks like the garden hose clip )came out , replace that rm 10 bucks . kau tim

-car cannot start but have the cha cha cha cha cha sound
-petrol smell (strong )

hope this helps
It is the timing sensor. Other people call it CRANK SHAFT SENSOR

Get it change fast or else you are going to get struck in the middle of know where.
Originally posted by masCh@May 8 2006, 10:07 PM
I got the fuel pump replaced with a Siemens Fuel Pump. RM560 at THL North Auto Kedah

Now the car can start, and everything seems fine. Will know in a day or two.

Meanwhile, think this might be related to

A bunch of so call sifus who knows how to hantam only....


you shud have call me...
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