E90 Abnormal Sound at 2000 rpm

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I was following your thread with interest this morning, as I too have the same problem.

Was your problem resolved?

I took delivery of an E90 320i SE just 2 weeks ago, and experienced the same rattling sound at 2,000 to 2,500 rpm. I am not as patient as you, and after trying to run in for about a week, I sent back the car to AB PG. The last I heard from them is that they are still trying to find out the source of the unusual rattling.

Appreciate if you could update me on the status of your problem resolution.

AB havent found the root cause yet...they thought initially it was coming from the torque converter but it was not! BMW M'sia might have to step in if AB couldnt resolved it...

The abnormal sound seems to come at gear change , prominently at 40 & 60 kph. Have you had similar symptom?

AB & I agree that the sounds seems to be originated somewhere from the engine bay and not from the car interior.
3er said:
i hate that kind of response....

Me too. It's such a waste of time and effort. I recall experiencing the same thing when I complained about an exhaust rumble in my E46. The mechanic did a whole song and dance about the metal construction needing to gel or mould itself over time. Well, I languished with the problem for 50,000 kms cos I just didn't wanna waste time going to and fro AB. The problem did mysteriously vanish after that. I often wonder if M'sian CKDs are somehow made of substandard parts or construction.

Three months, and problem still not resolved ....... that's way too long! I wonder if AB have escalated the problem to BMW Malaysia.

I believe that we do have the same problem, and possibly other E90 owners as well! The annoying rattling comes in whenever I accelerate from 1,000+ rpm to above 2,000 rpm, and it is obvious to me that it is an engine control issue.

As I have another car to drive, I told AB PG to diagnose thoroughly, and that I am not prepared to take back the car if the problem is not resolved to my satisfaction. I understand from the service manager that they are working on another Penang car with the same problem.

Please stay in touch and I am sure one way or another, we will be vindicated.

Have you tried to drive it and later put the gear to idle, N...is the sound still there whilst the car is moving? When i ramp up the car at idle, there s no sound at 2000-3000 rpm. the sound emits when the car is moving even when gear is not put to load..
megatnh said:
Have you tried to drive it and later put the gear to idle, N...is the sound still there whilst the car is moving? When i ramp up the car at idle, there s no sound at 2000-3000 rpm. the sound emits when the car is moving even when gear is not put to load..


I haven't tried that yet, as my car is still with ABPG.

I have just heard from ABPG that they are quite sure that my car has a faulty gear box. I tend to agree with their assessment.

ABPG has proceeded to order the RM 25k gear box for me. They also ordered one for the other car, an E90 325i, with the same annoying rattling. The gear box will take 1 week to come in.

After replacing the gear box, you can be sure that I will thoroughly test out the car. I will definitely keep you posted on the outcome.

The new gear box did not solve the rattling problem. I was furious almost to the point of sending BMW a lawyer letter.

But the good news is, after more than a month, AB-PG finally found the root cause of the rattling problem. The noise came from loose engine shield panels rubbing against each other. As there are quite a few panels covering the engine compartment, AB-PG had to identify the noise source by trial and error. It is just a case of shoddy workmanship of CKD models!

Please PM me your license plate number, so that I can ask the service section head of AB-PG to contact the AB-GM technical department directly and hopefully help solve your problem as well.

Hi GCPG, glad to hear that your problem has been solved. Well at least you got a new gearbox :)
David Yong;169315 said:
I think you need to do some adjustment on the front bonnet cover. It could be something is touching against each other which cause the rattling sound. Adjustment can only be done by AB.

See..... I have told you guys long time ago.
rookie;194074 said:
Hi GCPG, glad to hear that your problem has been solved. Well at least you got a new gearbox :)
Hey Rookie

Thanks. Sure feels good to have a new gear box, even though the "old" one is hardly one week old.
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