order two keys from ebay, one new (uncut) and one used key (cuted) both diamond shape. the used key (cuted) FCC ID must same with yr current key. programing can be done yr self is very easy.
new key - about rm200 (blade uncut)
used key - about rm150 (just need the electronic part)
local locksmith - rm100 (u may get cheaper at yr area i think)
May I know what is FCC ID?? Don't understand... You said the programing can be done yourself... Do you mind to share with me how to do the programing?? My friend told me have to go AB to re-program... now a bit blur....
May I know what is FCC ID?? Don't understand... You said the programing can be done yourself... Do you mind to share with me how to do the programing?? My friend told me have to go AB to re-program... now a bit blur....
the programing as following :-
1. turn the key to on position in car and turn off within 5 sec.
2. hold the unlock button
3. Press the lock button three (3) times
4. release the unlock button
if successful your doors will lock and unlock. program all your keys (max 4 keys) at the same time just repeat 2-4 in 30sec.