E46 328i Year 2000 CKD

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Dec 26, 2006
Hi all,I have been looking around for a while now to upgrade from my 1992 E36 318i (UK Spec) to a E46 318i. Today I was fortunate enough to come across a E46 328i, Year 2000 Single owner, CKD - 82K Milage. This car is in Mint condition. One cant ask for more interms its upkeep.The only thing that was stopping me was my lack of knowledge. I am not sure if a 328i would be a engine capacity suitable for me. Would be very very greatful if some of you experienced guys out there could share your opnion with regards to this engine capacity compared to a 318i. I am not sure if a 328i would turn out to be an over buy.The owner is asking for RM 80K. Is this a fair price? How much higher is the consumption of the 2.8 litre engine compared to the 1.9 litre on the 318i. Is it true that the 328i is very much less in demand in terms of resale later. Also would appreciate it if I got some feedback with regards to maintenance and upkeep of the 328i as compared to the 318iAny views or comments would be greatly helpfulThanks a million
The 328i is an excellent value buy now at RM 80k plus..it has very good power and torque and will be able to take most cars on the roads these days..it will be a world of a difference from the 318i..the fuel consumption will not be much different but insurance and roadtax will be higher than the 318i

maintenance is as with any BMW..needs to be maintained according to the recommendations in the service book...miss these services and you will find a whole lot of inconveniences..

very enjoyable car to drive and my concern is that the fuel will get to be more than the 318i is that you will look for any excuse to get behind the wheel..

if i were you and the car is decent, i would grab it now without regrets....

RM80k seems to be fair value. As for the mileage, I would get it verified by AB esp if you are going through a dealer. Verification can be done by hooking the key into a device connected to a reader which can read the history stored on the key itself.

As for maintenance, a 8 year old car is goin to need parts replaced, and most parts cost the same be it a 318 or a 328.

You are probably looking at a higher petrol bill, say 30% more?( I'm guessing)

If you average petrol cost is RM500pm on a 318, then you are probably looking at an extra RM150? Thats RM1800 extra per annum.

Road tax is now RM1.6k. A 318 is about RM300, thats an extra RM1300.

So I would say you are looking at probably an extra cost of at least RM3000 pa for a 328.

If you do a lot of highway driving, then you will really enjoy a 328. If you drive mainly in town then a 318 should suffice unless you enjoy the occasional "tekaning"!

Now I know why 325 & 328's are cheaper than a 318 & 320. They are expensive to maintain. I'm glad I got myself a 320 instead. Roadtax is 'only' RM500 hehe.
what ever it is, never never touch a N42 engine as it is known to be a more problematic engine.
besides that, it will be entire your call
2.8 is an older version, if you can go for 325 M54B25.
318 will save you a little moolah in term of maintainance, petrol?? not too sure {you google it yourself }and roadtax. But I believe if your intention is just that, you would not be looking at UDM isn't it? Since you are already driving an E36 318i, ask yourself a question, ever admire anothe same make with higher cc? if the answer is "no" go for 318i, if the answer is "yes", go for 325i or 328i. Cheers! Happy hunting.
Think carefully and go ahead with your plan, don't, I mean DON'T simply change your mind because a decent car came along that is not the spec you wanted.
Agreed. Last year I had initially set out to get a 1998 328( last batch E36). Got sidetracked and ended up with a 1995 325.

You should weigh all factors and decide whether you want a 318,325 or 328. Then stick to your guns when you go hunting.

Good Luck.
2000 328i owner here. When I bought mine used 6 year old car I spent about RM5k on the engine. Other than that is the normal service which cost me about RM400 every 5k km. Fuel consumption wise is about 500km town driving with occasional pedal to the metal for a full tank (57-60 liters of fuel).
Thank you all for your valuable inputs and views.

Now I have more facts and figures to make a wise decision (hopefully)

Tamade7, since you won a 328i 2000, I would think it should be the same engine as the car I am considering. Your fuel consumption figures are very interesting. On my E36 318i I get around 8 to 9km per litre. The 328 also seems to be clocking around the same. Perhaps the E36 engine is no longer effecient.

Once again thanks guys. As always appreciate your help and will keep you guys posted on any progress
My fuel consumption for Pg traffic driving is abt 380km b/w lights ie 51-52km.

E46s seem to give better FC ie 500km b/w lights. If FC is the same then your only real consideration would be road tax. I believe insurance would only be slightly higher.

Having driven a 318, i think you should seriouly consider upgrading to either a 325 @ 328.

330i !!!!!!, man I am still worried about the 328i

Thanks again guys, am still considering................. hope to make the right decision soon.

Cant wait to own & drive around an E46 be it a 318 or 328.
The 2000 328 is a double vanos engine. It is very close to a M54 engine and therefore the low consumption. By all means go with the 328i; RM80k + RM10k (at max for parts change) = good buy. If you are still worried then get the 318i 1.9 and then change to the M42 engine + DASC it.
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