E36 breakdown

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Club Guest
Jul 15, 2006
Guys,this is da second time the car bring a problem.:eek: The situation is when stop at the traffic light, the car will idling but somewhow it start to coughing and then the engine stop. It feels like out of fuel but it is not. :smokin: Anyone had da same experience? is it becoz of misfiring?or low pressure of fuel?:stupid: need help...thanks
BlueMixWhite;258526 said:
Search for AFM, or ICV problem

Thanks Blue Mix for reply,
BTW, did u mean the AFM = air fuel mixture?
and wut is ICV?

SOrry im not so good in this..
It can be many many reasons even the crank sensor or fuel pump or even a blocked fuel filter can cause it

send the car to hospital la,, many specialist there to check and fix your car. Very sad.. it is time to hurt your walllet again.
Bro...it's most probably your AFM(air flow meter). Damper get stuck! It's not fuel filter or fuel pump i guess.
let me share an experience lately... my car always had difficulty starting WARM.. it wouldnt fire, and i have to pedal-to-the-metal GAS it before it would start. 4 different mechs diagnose AFM, 2 other ones reckon ICV spoilt... i traced the symptoms finally to the Fuel Pressure Regulator... without going into too much details, make sure the fuelling system is properly checked out before u look into the afm/ icv sides...much more expensive, and may not be the solution.. :)

hope this helps


e36 idling problem

I had a similar problem with my ride for 5 months. For your information, I drive an E36/325i. I had to live with the erratic idling and cold starting problem everyday. Things which I had done and worthless were :
a) Spark Plugs
b) ECU Inspection
c) Increased timing
d) Fuel Pump
e) Fuel Filter
f) Injector Cleaning

I almost gave up with my car until I went to this BMW workshop in Glenmarie, Shah Alam which pinpointed the problem directly to my ICV, Diaphragm and Vacuum Hose. Within 1.5 hrs, my problem was all gone. The car finally idles like a new BMW and the performance has also improved.

My advice, don't ever use the so-called "high-flow" air filters. Stick to the standard paper filter. The life span of your ride will be extended. FYI, the workshop only charged me under RM 500!!!!
sometimes the cause also could be due to leaked vacuum hose..
happen to my e36/325i before.. it needs good mechanic to really trouble shoot !
Yup,basically a few common culprits:

1) ICV/ AFM problems

2) Vacuum hoses/related hoses

3) fuel system delivery(fuel pump/pressure sensor,etc)

4) sexy mama walking along the road.
chairoger;263236 said:
Yup,basically a few common culprits:

1) ICV/ AFM problems

2) Vacuum hoses/related hoses

3) fuel system delivery(fuel pump/pressure sensor,etc)

4) sexy mama walking along the road.

that always happened to me. :wink:
air flow is the most common promblem,,,check the hose whether got crank or sudah keras,,sometime tons of our rubber hose sudar keras dan tak boleh pakai lagi,,banyak orang dont know...fuel filter need to change selalu...and a very good mechanic to help n a patience 1...always find 1mechanic u like n stick to him slowly learn n see to,very important,,sometime airflow system can make the car under power n powerless...regards tqvm dan
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