usually I can start the car on the first turn. About a month ago , there were 3-4 occassions where the engine only started on the 2nd or 3rd attempt. I thought nothing of it as engine seems to run normal. Yesterday I could not start the car at all. Battery is ok. I had the car towed to a workshop nearby my house. Mech said the engine compression gone. He said he will do "manual" compress the engine. Now, i'm a layman in these matters, I had no idea what he was talking about. I observed he removed and replaced some parts. Then tried to start the engine,nothing happened. Then he placed his hand on something and start again. This time there was a bang (explosion?) and some coming out of the engine. He gave me some explanation which being a layman, I could not understand. Car is now still at the workshop. I'm hoping someone can give me some advise. Should I trust him or tow the car to my regular workshop?