E30: Cannot Start

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Club Guest
Mar 26, 2006
Been having this problem lately. my car is reluctant to start (once in a while) when the engine is hot. it wont happen when the engine is cold(1st start of the day). my last experience was at mid valley, reach MV, grab some stuff (bout 30 mins) went back to my car. and it couldn't start. try to crank it, engine no sound at all. but all the interior light, A/C and ICEis working fine. battery condition is ok. checked last week. do anyone know what are the reasons this is happening? I'm riding a E30 318i (local spec).. can it be due to the ignition? starter? thank you in advance.....
i think it may b fuel pump or starter motor. my beemer also expert that kind of prob in the past few month. after changing the fuel pump, everything back to normal.refer to ur problem, i think the problems come from starter motor. it have to be service.
onionbay said:
Been having this problem lately.

my car is reluctant to start (once in a while) when the engine is hot.

it wont happen when the engine is cold(1st start of the day).

my last experience was at mid valley, reach MV, grab some stuff (bout 30 mins) went back to my car. and it couldn't start. try to crank it, engine no sound at all. but all the interior light, A/C and ICEis working fine.

battery condition is ok. checked last week.

do anyone know what are the reasons this is happening?

I'm riding a E30 318i (local spec).. can it be due to the ignition? starter?

thank you in advance.....

i was having similar problem. Just get the starter changed (RM300+) or you can get a wireman to install a relay that jump the starter using the car battery's power.(RM100)
search the threads..i've actually posted a picture of how the relay is connected to the starter..
got similar problem with u last week...mech said if u can push it and start..then u changed the starter, but if u push it even to nearby river also cant start..theni t must be ur fuel pump..fuel cannot get in the engine
but i've changed the fuel pump and the fuel pump relay..cost me RM656 incl. labour charge. but got problem for long run..after 50-60 km running..it start coughing and feels like the jerking..engine almost died..but not die...i wonder why laa..can somebody help me too...(aiseyy...im hijacking meh?)
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