Do Radar detectors works in M'sia?

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Club Guest
May 9, 2005
Curious to know if radar detector devices can work here. I know, its illegal but can it detect those guys using the photo radar? Speed trap guys?Do cops use laser?Does anyone know what sort of technology the police uses on the highway?I also heard rumors that cops say they have radar detector detector than can pick up signal if one operate a device. Really? How true?Just wanted to get some interesting and useful information to discuss.Thanks.
yup, can be used... but the police has the latest now.. can't even trace it...
Yup, the cops would be able to tell whether you have one in your car and vice versa. The Radar detector actually emits a signal out. There is some detectors claimed to be undetectable....
years back, kena stop near seremban highway by traffic cops buat operasi speedtrap. i was using the speedtrap detector bought from US. i did slow down after getting the warning signal far away. i was stop and what surprise me was when i hear the other traffic officer walkie talkie stated that my detector was place on the car dashboard! i was lucky cause i have plug it out and put under my seat after getting the signal.
but now, radar detector is consider useless since they have change to laser. still can be use, but most of the time you will receive warning signal like seeing cars/buses/lorries breakdown by the roadside, people doing road repairs and others. maybe bcause of their frequencies...
Originally posted by RedZ4@Apr 26 2006, 02:46 PM
Curious to know if radar detector devices can work here. I know, its illegal but can it detect those guys using the photo radar? Speed trap guys?
Do cops use laser?
Does anyone know what sort of technology the police uses on the highway?
I also heard rumors that cops say they have radar detector detector than can pick up signal if one operate a device. Really? How true?
Just wanted to get some interesting and useful information to discuss.
Radar/laser detectors do work here but its very much illegal to use one. Malaysian police used to use radar (X and K band) but they have moved on to lasers now some years ago.

(Ka band) Photo radar? No. Photo laser? Yes. Equipment is probably imported (of unknown origin - unknown to us motorist, that is).

VG2 Radar detector detector? Such equipment do exist and it was being used at one time when illegal radar detector use was prolific in Malaysia some time last century. But i'm not sure if it's still being used now.

Some "stealth" radar detectors do work, some dont. Use at your own risk. If you want the best. There is only one - Valentine One.
why buy detector? buy a radio scanner.......and yes, they r illegal too, so pls dun say I told u this.....
From personal experience:-

i borrowed the latest Valentine 1. Can't bee seen by cops, as i have been stopped and let go at the roadblocks. The detector does work, but is pointless to have, as when it goes off, it means you have been tagged by the laser already and will get a ticket.

Originally posted by Slide@Apr 27 2006, 10:06 AM
From personal experience:-

i borrowed the latest Valentine 1. Can't bee seen by cops, as i have been stopped and let go at the roadblocks. The detector does work, but is pointless to have, as when it goes off, it means you have been tagged by the laser already and will get a ticket.

So the best thing is to follow a faster car...

when the front car got detected you will be notified....hence can slow down. :)
every few months someone asks this question - the answer is no.

most speed cameras will tag ur car and take a shot before ur detector can so much as squeak. they dont stop u at a block anymore so u cant argue the point.

most roadblocks dont use detectors - there's a chap a few klicks before eyeballing speeders and radioing in their "estimated" speeds. so when they stop u they give u some BS speed reading, but speeding is speeding and ur gonna have to cough up the kopi anyway.

save the RM1600 for a V1 and pay up the kopi.

was told by singaporean, best speed detector in malaysia, the 50 RM note :yes!:
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