DIY: Minimizing cabin sound clutter from panels

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Feb 4, 2008
Just to share some of the stuff I've done recently to minimize cabin sound clutter.Here's what you'll need for this DIY:36 door clips (plus a few extra spares incase you break any :p)1x flat head screw driverTool to remove torx screwFirstly if you haven't changed all the door card clips in your car, please do it. They're not expensive and it's worth the time. You'll need 10 clips each for the front doors and 8 clips each for the rear doors. Total of 36 clips. I bought a pack of 50 clips just to keep for future use. Just make sure you buy a few extras if you don't want to keep so many.This can be done on your own but the only problem is you'll need the tool to remove the torx screw on each door panel. You can either purchase them from ACE hardware or go over to your regular mech and do the DIY there.The process of removing the door panels is really easy. You can follow the process at this link.* Note: You don't need to remove the electric mirror switch as per the link. Just hold the door card with your hands and unplug the switch from inside. Here's how the door clip looks like.
* Notice the rubber piece. The clips don't actually come with this. Some of the older clips attached to my door card had them. You could actually make this on your own from old bicycle tire tubes. Make sure you get the thinnest ones.Clip with rubber thingamajig attached
* Notice how the back of the clip has an indentation in it? This is to make removal of the clip from the hole on the door card easier.To remove the clips from the door card you'll need to angle the clip in such a way that one of those legs are protruding out of the hole. Once you have that out all you need to do is turn the clip and it'll slip right out. Installation is the direct opposite. Make sure you wear a glove or something cause if you don't your fingers will be rubbed raw from trying to turn the clips out!Once you have all the clips replaced, just install back the door cards in the reverse order of removal.About 80% of the clips I removed from all my door cards were either cracked or broken and this contributes to a lot of the sound you hear in your car's cabin when you drive across uneven or bumpy roads.Have fun with the DIY and enjoy a quieter ride once you're done.cheers.
This next thing I did doesn't really do much besides making your doors close with a softer "thud" instead of the clunky "bang".

Here's what you'll need:
1x electrical tape (the width is about 1cm and costs RM0.70 from a hardware store)
1x scissors

Picture of the electrical tape.

What I basically did was cut out around 3 inch strips from the tape and taped the door striker. Keep on taping the door striker till your door closes firmly without much effort. If there is resistance when you open the door, then you've put too much tape there. Just remove 1 strip.

Here's a picture of the door striker with tape around it.


It's not a real permanent fix as the tape will tear after a while but it works! If you want to a more permanent fix you can replace the door striker completely. It's about USD45 so should be roughly around RM130-RM150 locally.

Here's the part number from

It is part no.6.

Also, another part that is inter-related to your door is the door brake. Here's the part number on

Look at part no.2.

Here's a picture of the door brake.


I have mine ordered but it'll take a few weeks to arrive. According to a website somewhere, replacing the door brakes will make your door close like how it should when it's brand new.

I'll post some results once I have them replaced.

Actually the next thing I'm going to do is to buy the bicycle tire tubes and cut out square shapes to fit on the door clips. I should have done this the first time round but I was lazy.

Now I'm going to have to remove all the clips again ...................

Soon :p
What do bicycle tire tubes look like that you can fashion them into this rubber cicrle thing?
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