Congo Line

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Club Guest
Jun 7, 2010
Dear E34 Owners,:wink: Hello~! One on my dreams is to make a E34 Congo Line. To make a 100m (~5m a car) Congo Line, I would need at least 20 :stupid: owners like myself to join in. If anyone is interested, please drop you interest, so i can get details, then arrange a time where everyone is free to CONGO!!!!!I am probably gonna get someone to film us going by on a freeway from 3 angles. Eye angle, top angle(on a bridge) and ground angle. Wont that be just amazing!!!!!:top:
Its called a Conga Line dude.

conga line - a line of people in single file performing the conga dance
line - a formation of people or things one behind another; "the line stretched clear around the corner"

anyways, I think you gota mingle dingle with the folks here a bit, get active in the forum, get to know people and then maybe your dream might just happen.

Come join us for the next TT.. watch the" members meet up" thread for the next meet up!

good luck!

p.s. post up your photos of your car in the Showroom
hey count me in brother!

Iylia H-e34. Update time and place, id be glad to participate in your quest
Conga Line for e34s

1) QC55
2) Iylia H
3) Don Franco

Time and Location to be announced later by QC55
A 5 series trip to Malacca a couple of years back....all 5 series but the pictures here are just our e34s! :top:


Conga Line for e34s

1) QC55
2) Iylia H
3) Don Franco
4) mizhan

Time and Location to be announced later by QC55


Pictures, well, coming soon due to recent events, my wife needs a little beauty work done to her ass and lips.

DON Franco, May I kiss your ring?:wink:

About the Congo Line, i am gonna make paper arms and attach from one end of a car to another. :top:

HAHAHa jkz.
Conga Line for e34s

1) QC55
2) Iylia H
3) Don Franco
4) mizhan
5) ssmann (one of the cars in the picture posted in Malacca looks familiar. May make an appearance again:listen:)

Time and Location to be announced later by QC55
If my car is dirty and has stud marks on the hood and generally doesn't look as cool as any of the cars in the pictures up there, do I qualify? Because I'd be interested to join in this. Whenever I see another E34 parked somewhere I have to check it out! :stupid:

If however, this is happening after August my car would be black and all patched up. Might even match those cars in the pic! :)
Well...... mine also now has some scuff marks, like 4 mini dents (which cant be seen from 1.5m away (yes i measured)) but hoping the full Zender kit and BBS rims will make up for all of it. LOL. SO YES YOUR QUALIFIED.

I also plan to do this before the end of the year. I just want at least 10 people to finalize then contact everyone to arrange time and date.

From a 1km Congo Line, 500m will do more than enough. Half a dream come true. Hahahahaha!
Bro just curious, why not extend to E32 owners as well? Since our front end is almost similar. Hahaha. Silly suggestion on my part. Probably can add another few cars to your Conga Line. :D
Hrrmmm.... Eggman has a point there... your front is a wannabe of my wife's face. but your butt is too way too wide~
LOL! But but I was planning to the youtube video "Bimmer E34 Congo Line - Can you count how many there are?", then set it to double playback to make it look like there were 20 bimmers. LOL.

But hey, who am I to stop a fellow "Big Mouth Woman" lover from joining. JUMP ABOARD THE HOE TRAIN BUDDY~!
yeah....geli aku dengar....can u replace the word bro?

DONE~! Forgot, this might have kids reading this forum and gotta watch my language~ :p
QC55;542652 said:
Hrrmmm.... Eggman has a point there... your front is a wannabe of my wife's face. but your butt is too way too wide~
LOL! But but I was planning to the youtube video "Bimmer E34 Congo Line - Can you count how many there are?", then set it to double playback to make it look like there were 20 bimmers. LOL.

But hey, who am I to stop a fellow "Big Mouth Woman" lover from joining. JUMP ABOARD THE HOE TRAIN BUDDY~!

Hahaha, awesome! Where and when do you plan to do this Conga Line anyways? Need a nice decent stretch of tarmac for the cars to line up one after another.
maybe a day trip to ipoh or klang for some bak kut teh~. Not sure yet, all will be discuss amongst the participants. I want to make sure everyone will be free and happy with the location, then i will set up where we might film. :D
It just got bumped! let's hope the thread creator has not given up already. Count me in! I'm getting a new car in 1 week's time (My E34 repainted a different colour + bodywork mods) hehe...
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