Comfort Access Low Battery?

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Club Guest
Apr 12, 2006
Sign in the cluster shows the key icon + battery low.If not mistaken, read elsewhere that the CA key fobs are not rechargeable and need to get the battery change. Only prefacelift which will need to slot in, in order to start the car and it's rechargeable. Correct me if I'm wrong here.However, I failed to find any opening on my fob to indicate a place to remove cover for a battery change.Check with SA, they said just put the fob into the slot (next to start / stop button) and it'll charge itself.But the low battery icon has been showing up for the last one month even with the fob slotted in. So, con't to slot the fob or dig the fob up and look for a battery to replace!Mine is from a E90 LCI with CA. Thanx in advance.
Too much time on my hands



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thanx mate.

with a little push with the flat head, up goes the very concealed opening!

Hence, remark by the SA is completely off!
Yes, for car with Comfort Access the battery need to be change. Change mine last time after about 1 1/2 year.
DIY or dealer change? How much did it cost? Mine is due soon cos the dreaded sign comes on intermittently and sometimes i cant open the door using CA.
As pointed out by the instructions above...

I suggest to use a flat head and pry slowly (from the end part) to lift the cover up.


The battery cost RM8/pc. Snap back the cover once the new battery is replaced, a 5 mins job.


Can't believe my SA said I should con't to slot them in for it to recharge!
I'm confus, the first picture says it is rechargeable... maybe the SA got confused as well.
From what I know most of the CR2302 sold are lithium NON-RECHARGEABLE batteries.

The ones shown in the pictures are definitely non-rechargeable. If they are rechargeable, then the words will appear on the battery.

There are some CR2302 that are rechargeable but they might be hard to find and i read they are unpopular because of their poor performance and high rate of discharge.

In fact the non-rechargeable CR2302 last as much as 5 years in many applications.

And yes, I have changed mine myself once in one of my key fobs.
My CA has not been working since I collected my car and AB blamed the batteries. After changing the batteries twice still the same. Like chipsmore, now you see it, now you don't. I was getting irritated and told AB that there is something wrong witht he key fobs but of course they will not listen. After 3 months now they have finally given in and ordered new fobs for me, arriving in 2 weeks. It is ridiculous to have CA and yet have to hold the fob to open the doors, worse still cannot start engine unless fob inserted...
U are very patient to wait for 3 months. If it is me I will already write to BMW Germany.
Zul;689797 said:
U are very patient to wait for 3 months. If it is me I will already write to BMW Germany.

Lucky for AB it is a busy time for me with many overseas trips. Otherwise dah buat khemah kat AB till the Germans arrive.
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