Christmas eve party gone wild

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May 25, 2008
0 December 27, 2009Christmas eve party gone wildBy TAN SIN CHOWGEORGE TOWN: The usually rowdy Christmas eve celebration in Penang turned uglier than ever this year with two Rela members being punched, kicked and attacked with helmets by revellers.A Bernama TV cameraman was also punched on the lips and pressmen were shoved by unruly revellers who sprayed aerosol foam on motorists and banged passing vehicles at Gurney Drive.Christmas mania: Unruly revellers punching, kicking and attacking Rela members with helmets during a gathering at Gurney Drive, Penang, on the eve of Christmas Day. The party-poopers set another record in rowdy behaviour when they sprayed aerosol foam on motorists and banged passing vehicles.Light Strike Force members then had to intervene in one of the ugliest “celebrations” in the state in recent years.A group of about 10 men bashed up the Rela members who had earlier hauled up one of their friends for giving passing vehicles a good “shake”.They threw punches and kicked the Rela members in their apparent bid to free their friend, in his 20s, from being detained in the 12.30am incident on Friday.The attacks took place while the Rela members and a plainclothes policeman were on their way to hand over the suspect to a nearby police base.The attack which lasted several minutes only ended when the Light Strike Force unit, policemen and other Rela members moved in.George Town acting OCPD Supt Gan Kong Meng said a 17-year-old factory worker was detained after the incident.Wild crowd: Revellers spraying foam on passing motorists during the Christmas eve celebration in Gurney Drive. The scene turned ugly later when they put up a fight with Rela members.He said five police roadblocks were conducted that day to keep the situation in check.Passers-by were stunned by the brazen attack on Rela members.Even pressmen on duty were not spared as some were shoved by the revellers. They were later escorted away from the scene by police for safety reasons.Bernama TV cameraman Gary Yeap, 20, lodged a police report at the Patani Road police station, claiming that he was punched on the lip.Yeap said the man also threatened to harm him if the footage of the scene was shown on television.At the stroke of midnight, thousands lined the popular sea front promenade, with many behaving wildly.Traffic came almost to a standstill as the road was choked with revellers.Youths holding snow spray cans sprayed foam onto the windscreens and side windows of passing motorists.Some even lifted the windscreen wipers to prevent drivers from sweeping away the foam.Supt Gan said more policemen would be deployed in hot spots and would be beefed up during New Year’s eve.
i was at bukit bintang during christmas eve couple years back and saw the same shit happening. many years later and its still the same. saw an audi TT (brand new back then) who was not contented with the situation and revved towards the revellers... end up got thrown by the spray can bottles. my suggestion is NEVER to drive your UDM to these places at these times. in case you're stuck, just be calm and drive slowly through the crowd. never release your tension...

what do you guys think?

p/s: just found out there was a similar topic discussed in 2008 and maybe many more the years before
i will never drive my car to gurney drive or bkt bintang during xmas/ new year...this has been happening for loooooong time...the more they get pressured the more they become violance...bad day for the rela's i guess
year in, year out..same thing. these functions should be banned if people do not know where to draw the line.
These people all have herd mentality. Mostly lalas who get their aerosol cans on the cheap nearby, and would start heckling and spraying all the passing cars, even motorcyclists aren't spared. I was in one a few years back, along Jln Sultan Ismail just outside Sg Wang, when some yobs started throwing cans at the windscreen. Of course, my whole family was inside, and while my parents were calm and collected, my siblings and I were very incensed and wanted to give them a knuckle sandwich.

Too bad. All talk and no action only. :D

Anyways, you're right. No provocation should be made, no matter how incensed we are. The numbers they have, would probably be enough to topple a car. Then again, being lalas, they'd probably even struggle to lift anything other than their girly sling bags. :stupid:
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