Car Dealer Runaway & Stole My Car - E90 320i (A)

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So sorry to hear this. Give us some details bro, maybe that will help us look out for this unscrupulous man?
ya, do tell more. suprising to hear a car dealer do this. unless he pretended to be a car dealer, and stole ur car.
Kira-kira 2 bulan lalu, pada 15 Januari 2012 saya telah menjual dan menyerahkan kereta berwarna hitam BMW 320i (E90), nombor plate WUA 998 tahun buatan 2005 kepada sebuah syarikat jual-beli kereta. Kereta saya diserahkan di syarikat jual beli kereta yang bernama Setia Satria TM Sdn Bhd atau Setia Satria TM Enterprise beralamat seperti berikut:

Setia Satria TM Sdn Bhd (881542-U)
Setia Satria TM Enterprise (SA0202111-V)
No. 5-2, Jalan 5/65C, Pekeliling Business Center,
Off Jalan Pahang Barat, 53000 Kuala Lumpur.
No. Telefon: +603-4021-0573

Pegawai syarikat yang berurusan dengan saya adalah seperti berikut:

Name: Muhammad Khairul Munawir Izzuddin Bin Dato' Ismadi
NRIC: 930606-01-6551
H/P: +6010-8851-360, +6014-3193-677
Name: Mohamad Zaifudin bin Ramli
NRIC: 820501-08-6417

Kereta saya dijual pada harga kira kira RM115,000, iaitu jumlah langsai hutang pinjaman bank di Public Bank. Pegawai jualan tersebut telah berjanji akan melangsaikan hutang di bank dan menyerahkan surat pelepasan bank dalam jangka masa 2 hingga 4 minggu kerana katanya sudah ada pembeli yang mahu membeli kereta saya. Tetapi sampai sekarang masih tidak dijelaskan padahal kereta sudah di ambil. Saya telah berusaha pergi ke pejabat, menelefon dan menghantar pesanan ringkas, tetapi pegawai tersebut masih melengahkan masa dan tidak pernah membalas pesanan ringkas saya dan amat jarang sekali menjawab panggilan telefon saya.

Pihak syarikat kereta itu juga berjanji untuk membayar pinjaman bulanan terus kepada bank sekiranya syarikat kereta itu gagal menjual dalam masa terdekat. Tetapi tiap-tiap hari bank menelefon saya bahawa pinjaman telah tertunggak selama dua bulan. Pihak bank sekarang pun sudah mengeluarkan surat notis untuk menarik balik kereta. Saya juga telah meminta supaya Khairul menyerahkan kembali kereta kepada saya jika dia tidak dapat menjual kereta tersebut kepada pembelinya, tetapi dia asyik melengahkan masa.

Saya amat risau kerana saya mungkin telah ditipu and kereta saya dicuri kerana syarikat tersebut tidak ada ‘showroom’ kereta dan dia enggan memberi tahu saya di mana kereta itu berada sekarang. Pihak bank juga menyatakan setakat ini tidak ada permintaan dari pihak syarikat kereta itu untuk melangsaikan hutang pinjaman bank.

Saya sudah penat dan telah membuat laporan kepada polis kerana saya risau ini adalah penipuan dan kereta saya sebenarnya dicuri. Saya sudah memberitahu pihak bank dan sedang bekerjasama dengan pihak bank untuk berusaha menarik kembali kereta tersebut, kerana mengikut undang-undang, kereta itu adalah hak milik bank.

Saya berharap kepada sesiapa yang tahu bagaimana saya dapat berjumpa Khairul untuk berbincang dan menyelesaikan masalah ini. Khairul adalah anak kepada Dato' Ismadi Mohd Shariff.

ENGLISH TRANSLATION - Thanks to Google Translate:

About two months ago, on January 15, 2012 I have sold and handed over a black car BMW 320i (E90), plate number WUA 998 year made in 2005 to a company buying and selling cars. I handed the car hire-purchase company named Setia Satria TM Sdn Bhd addressed as follows:

Setia Satria TM Sdn Bhd (881542-U)
Setia Satria TM Enterprise (SA0202111-V)
No. 5-2, Jalan 5/65C, Pekeliling Business Center,
Off Jalan Pahang Barat, 53000 Kuala Lumpur.
No. Telefon: +603-4021-0573

Officer dealing with me is as follows:

Name: Muhammad Bin Mohd Khairul Munawir Izzuddin Ismadi
NRIC: 930606-01-6551
H / P: +6010-8851-360, +6014-3193-677
Name: Mohamad Zaifudin bin Ramli
NRIC: 820501-08-6417

My car sold for about RM115,000 the total bank loan debt at Public Bank. The salesperson had promised to repay the debt at the bank and hand a letter of release in 2 to 4 weeks because he had some buyers who want to buy my car. But until now still not made when the car has been taken. I have tried going to the office, call and send a short message, but officials are still delaying the time and never reply to my short message, and very rarely answer my phone calls.

The car companies also promised to pay the monthly loan directly to the bank if the car company failed to sell in the near future. But every day I call the bank that the loan has been outstanding for two months. The bank now also has issued a notice to withdraw the car. I have also asked that Khairul to return the car to me if he could not sell the car to a buyer, but he kept delaying the time.

I am worried because I may have cheated and stolen my car because the company does not have 'showroom' car and he refused to tell me where the car is now. The bank also stated that so far there is no demand from the car companies to pay off bank loans.

I was tired and had to report to the police because I was worried this is a fraud and my car is actually stolen. I have already told the bank and is working with bankers to try to attract back the car, because by law, the car is the property of the bank.

I hope to those who know how I can see Khairul to discuss and resolve the problem. Khairul is the son of Dato' Ismadi Mohd Shariff.
Bro, m shock to hear this kind of tactics being used!! Whats the police doing about it? Hope they catch the s.o.b. soon bro..
ingat anak dato ble wat ape jer way hozeii...dammm so sory to hear that bro..hope the police will do something asap...
sorry to hear the bad news bro. the car dealer is so young not even 20 y.o., looking at his ic numbers.
I have signed an agreement, but if the guy's gone, the car's gone and money not paid, then I will stuck with the agreement. I know, I should have not given the car to him, stupid me got conned la...:burnout:
I am very sorry to hear this bro. It is indeed sad, but there is a lesson here for all.....only hand over any possession when the deal is legit and by the book. Like when you go to pasar malam, the seller will only give u barang when u pay up. I almost got conned this way in a property deal some months ago too....albeit there are some more stringent laws around property sale to protect seller and buyer....but with a Mothaf***ing cheating lawyer, anything is possible

I hope you recover from this bro, make arrangements with your bank...don't get into more problem. My 2 cents worth
nizan sorry to hear about this ..well these days no one is to be trusted unless it's on black and white.. so hope ya recorver ya car soon ..or else BLACKLISTING is just gonna be waiting for you ...
johnj;723615 said:
Hope you manage to resolve the problem bro.

Not yet, this case is still fresh, police report made on Sunday and I met with investigating police inspector last Tuesday. Hope that they will action something. Otherwise I will end up paying to the banks, but no car...

Also got further info/intel from bank yesterday, cant post this here yet.
Have you informed JPJ? Check if the transfer is done. Bring along the police report.
To deal with these scumbags, sometimes using the law doesn't work. Too slow and these people know all the tricks in the book.

Wanna know more, PM me
affan66;723626 said:
Have you informed JPJ? Check if the transfer is done. Bring along the police report.
To deal with these scumbags, sometimes using the law doesn't work. Too slow and these people know all the tricks in the book.

Wanna know more, PM me

I have PM'ed you.
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