Cannot do smooth stop

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Club Guest
Nov 4, 2009
Hi to all sifus & veterans. I got this 'problem' with my e39 528 '96 brakes.Whenever I have to come to a complete stop eg. traffic lights, the brakes grab normally at 1st BUT on the last 1 cm or so of brake-pedal travel the brakes grab abruptly even if i'm very gentle just at the last bit. The effect is that ALL passengers in the car have their heads(& to a small extent their bodies) bob forward a little! Very irritating!! Here are the facts,1) car bought used, changed brake fluid @ bmw specialist 2)specialist said front disc/brakes is OEM not bmw But not reccommend change because still new, also not the cause of my complaint.3) I do not know if this 'problem' was there when i test drove the car and before servicing, also totally no experience with bmws.4)Finally the BM specialist said he has encountered a few drivers mentioned this; his answer, "BMW car is like that one!!!!" Is this true? My feeling is german technology cannot be so 'rough', all my previous cars fr proton to benz can come a gradual stop smoothly.Any thots on this 'problem' will be welcomed. Thank for all replies in advance. Cheers!!
If you are referring to what appears be the minor lurch/jerk at the final inch or two until a complete stop, I would have to say, "Yes, they are like that.". But to the extent that all passengers' head do a little bop, that might be a tad too much. Methinks it's a combination of your brakes and the absorbers you've got.

On another note, I am surprised that you did not notice this on the Merc. Have driven both cars before - they all had that little 'jerk'. You might also notice it if you're stuck in traffic - when you stop and go while the car is in 'D'.

I have had similar problems before on my E34 and W124. Try the following: -

1. Skim your disk brakes - can't do it too often and ensure its not too thin, or can crack on hard impact
2. The mechanism that holds the brake pads to the disk brake needs servicing so as it applies gentle and smooth pressure consistently
3. When you brake, either slam the brakes or gradually apply pressure. Do not apply and release continuously, this will result in built up pressure that would cause uneasy brake feeling
4. Check mountings, this can be a subset of poor mounting

This has been my experience on E34 and W124 Merc. Hope it helps you.
rth checking the conditiond of your lower arms, upper arms, tie rod ends and link rods!!
finally;484789 said:
4)Finally the BM specialist said he has encountered a few drivers mentioned this; his answer, "BMW car is like that one!!!!" Is this true?
i don't think it's true. i've driven bmw that brake similar to what you described but maybe not as bad and others that don't. mine don't. also i went to test drive the scirocco last month and the braking behaviour of the first car we took out is similar to what you described that so much so that the sales guy asked us to go back to showroom and switched to another car. the second one was much better but the bite is still noticeably stronger but more gradual compared to the first car towards the end of the travel. maybe once you're used to how it behaves, you'll simply adjust your braking modulation to minimise the head bobbing.
Hi & thanks for all the replies, just another thought; for the w124 benz, 2 types of brake-pads are available; Hard or soft, Is there such difference for BMs (ori or oem)?

I think a factor for this 'problem' is the age of the car, 13+ years + really low milege( 140k)!! WITH ALL front suspension components '96 year of manufacture. Mechie says "if shocks no leaking , no sound from front, tyre normal wear. DON't touch anything!!"

(Btw the milege is certified true by AB for the doubters.)

My Friend, a classic carnut says it's probably the 'bushes' says all his cars 'tighten up' after changing all the 'bushes', but it's a big job. So he agrees with Mechie, "when something is obviosly wrong THEN we go in and change what is necessary"

Another friend E60 owner, (i have not had a chance to sit in his car but he has tried mine)said his ride is also like that !!

BTW the classic carnut, says that what he feels when he is in my car is that the brake has 'bitten max' but the mass of the car ' lurches' very slightly forward & this causes the head to bob forward, therefore conclude it is a suspension/bush pproblem but more due to age rather than a straightforward damaged/defective part.

Comments? Cheers!!
The brakes in my 1997 E39 also felt this way lately. Especially so in stop-go-stop-go traffic situation. In my case, I am sure it is due to the almost worn-out pads which I'm abt to change in the next service.
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