Hi to all sifus & veterans. I got this 'problem' with my e39 528 '96 brakes.Whenever I have to come to a complete stop eg. traffic lights, the brakes grab normally at 1st BUT on the last 1 cm or so of brake-pedal travel the brakes grab abruptly even if i'm very gentle just at the last bit. The effect is that ALL passengers in the car have their heads(& to a small extent their bodies) bob forward a little! Very irritating!! Here are the facts,1) car bought used, changed brake fluid @ bmw specialist 2)specialist said front disc/brakes is OEM not bmw But not reccommend change because still new, also not the cause of my complaint.3) I do not know if this 'problem' was there when i test drove the car and before servicing, also totally no experience with bmws.4)Finally the BM specialist said he has encountered a few drivers mentioned this; his answer, "BMW car is like that one!!!!" Is this true? My feeling is german technology cannot be so 'rough', all my previous cars fr proton to benz can come a gradual stop smoothly.Any thots on this 'problem' will be welcomed. Thank for all replies in advance. Cheers!!