Calling all Bubble Makers!

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sithwarrior said:
Guys when are you all meeting up for a chit chat ? I wanna join. Need some advice lah on diving... still dont know how to swim... sigh

come Puchong ....I'll teach u by force you how to swim.
sithwarrior said:
Guys when are you all meeting up for a chit chat ? I wanna join. Need some advice lah on diving... still dont know how to swim... sigh
ask our divemaster to organize one, callin NKTOB bila bilaaaaaa.....
Mouse said:
NKTOB start a session on EFR (emergency first response), not askin for free lar, but give us good rate, even non diver also can benefit from it coz its a medic first aid course that can apply to everyone and u dunno when u will need it to save someone lives someday somewhere
Yes that's a very good idea esp for our UDM drivers, EFR as taught in the PADI Medic First Aid Course also useful for every home, workplace as well as motor vehicle accidents and as basic training for pre-PADI Rescue Diver specialty training. This medic first aid course which comprises of CPR & First Aid, unlike conventional first aid courses, was specially designed by educationists and derived from U.S. EMT (as seen on tv's Rescue 911) training.
sith nevermind, i can loan u my nephews little arm one, legs one and head one....

Coming back to bubble makers....NKTOB, select a day and we can have a mini TT.
sithwarrior said:
U crazy ahhh u will kill me lah....

I wont kill you la.....I will kill Leakwoon if he comes to Puchong lake.

I'll have to make you understands what is "Water Confident " first.
2cents said:
Yes that's a very good idea esp for our UDM drivers, EFR as taught in the PADI Medic First Aid Course also useful for every home, workplace as well as motor vehicle accidents and as basic training for pre-PADI Rescue Diver specialty training. This medic first aid course which comprises of CPR & First Aid, unlike conventional first aid courses, was specially designed by educationists and derived from U.S. EMT (as seen on tv's Rescue 911) training.

Good info bro 2cents...EFR it's actually recommended to all, not confined to scuba divers only..yes, as bro mouse have known, it's a pre-requisite for the Rescue Diver Course.

EFR, in replacement of the former CPR & Medic First Aid course is now divided into 2 : Primary Care & Secondary Care and as an option, an AED (Automated External Defiblirator) is offered as well in the EFR program.

In short, if one were to be in the States, when one dials 911, the operator over the end will start asking what is the distress call is about. If the call is for e.g. a choking adult, what the operator will do is to turn the pages of the EFR manual to " a choking adult " and will go thru a guided step by step of providing care & assistance to the care giver on the victim prior to EMS arrival.

Ok, for Sithwarrior sake...and bro mouse as well, we'll set a date (soon) to have a chat over teh tarik..the first ever "Bubble Maker TT" session..not to clash with any official club event)

So, watch out for this thread for the launch of the "Bubble Maker TT Club" soon..

signing off,
Sofitel Palm Resort :D
Hi dude!

Here's a photo from not too long ago ... at Redang Kalong resort in Pulau Redang :)

Hope to catch up with you at the end of the month BT. Didn't see ya yesterday, the other half wanted to catch up with you aka rope you to be her buddy for a dive trip TODAY!

sorry didnt catch up on this tread any earlier.... but, way to go.. bubble makers and dive tt.. count me in.

been diving since 1997, i think it was. used to be a cronic "compressed air junkie" and had a thing for boderline nitrogen narcosis.. hahaha...

nowadays, my nick is "lazy diver" cause i don't bother with wetsuits and snorkels anymore..

bro nktob, any planned trips before the season closes?
Omegaoracle aka Lazy Diver ;-) Kewl man!

I'll be at AWARE = Operation Coral Clean-up = Redang Kalong as of 21st-24th Sept, wanna join ;-)

NKTOB - come lah .... ;-)

mikeymonty said:
Omegaoracle aka Lazy Diver ;-) Kewl man!

I'll be at AWARE = Operation Coral Clean-up = Redang Kalong as of 21st-24th Sept, wanna join ;-)

NKTOB - come lah .... ;-)


bro, unfortunately can't go for Project AWARE this year, clashes with a business appointment i have... too bad :(

i had lotsa fun the last time though... so, please have fun and save our corals... cheers!

a boat dive sometime maybe?
mikeymonty said:
Omegaoracle aka Lazy Diver ;-) Kewl man!

I'll be at AWARE = Operation Coral Clean-up = Redang Kalong as of 21st-24th Sept, wanna join ;-)

NKTOB - come lah .... ;-)


If every diver is like you, doing Project AWARE....then our underwater world would be SAVE!

Don't forget ur safety stop on every dive @ 3m for 5mins, if u don't exceed thm!

Happy Diving buddy!
mikeymonty said:
Omegaoracle aka Lazy Diver ;-) Kewl man!

I'll be at AWARE = Operation Coral Clean-up = Redang Kalong as of 21st-24th Sept, wanna join ;-)

NKTOB - come lah .... ;-)


Hey mikey,

I thought the coral clean up will be this weekend. I might be wrong. Anyways, I'll be diving in Redang this weekend. I'm psyched but a little dissapointed that I can't make it to a bunch of Club events (annual dinner, HPC track day). Geezzz... freaking bummer but what can I say. This is my only weekend free and it was planned a couple of months back.

Well, keep me in the look for any bubble makers TT.

So who ya diving with? Yup , confirmed it is NEXT weekend.

I'll be at RedangKalong next weekend, pity we couldn't meet up. Hope to catch ya at an akan-datang TT ;-) or BT!


ps :- MikeyMonty = M2 = Julian :)

RedZ4 said:
Hey mikey,

I thought the coral clean up will be this weekend. I might be wrong. Anyways, I'll be diving in Redang this weekend. I'm psyched but a little dissapointed that I can't make it to a bunch of Club events (annual dinner, HPC track day). Geezzz... freaking bummer but what can I say. This is my only weekend free and it was planned a couple of months back.

Well, keep me in the look for any bubble makers TT.
So, divers.......

Happy Diving! Pls remember ur 5 points check b4 entry!

B - begin = BCD, partially inflated
W - with = weight systems
R - review = releases on tank straps, bcd straps...clip ons...
A - and = air, check console, starting psi, air turn on...half turn back, regulator,octopus...

F - friends = final ok, don't forget ur flippers:D look b4 entry!...equalize every few feets!

additionally...check on mask straps, fin straps, mask anti fog/sliver??? torchlites,batteries,pointers,sausages......dive comp battery level..etc.

Safety Stop Mandatory every dive, 15ft...3 mins minimum!

Slowly Ascend From Every Dive.........Be a S.A.F.E. diver always! and pls....

LOG YOUR DIVES!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D

enuf nagging............

PADI DM#472472
EFR Course Instructor
and one more thing.........ver important!!!

Take loads of pixs!!!!! Below & Above and post hem here!!!!
The boys shd be back from Project AWARE...:D

Must get thm out for a "Bubble Maker TT" liao!

Calling MikeyMonty..............
Back from AWARE!

Hi u guys, had a great time! Gotta join me next time lah, NKTOB!

Jules aka M2
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