Bubble on run flat tires

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Mar 23, 2011
People,Does anyone know whether bubbles on run flat tires will make the tire burst? I know bubbles on non run flats may potentially make the tire burst but am not sure bout run flats since the F10 is my first car with run flats. Any souls out there that may shed some light on this matter?Cheers.
hi, bulge on run flat tyres, i've seen alot, but i wont say it won't burst on run flat tyres because of the harder sidewalls. did u went over a huge pothole?
burnin;677171 said:

Does anyone know whether bubbles on run flat tires will make the tire burst? I know bubbles on non run flats may potentially make the tire burst but am not sure bout run flats since the F10 is my first car with run flats. Any souls out there that may shed some light on this matter?


Runflats are designed to have thicker and more robust sidewall vs. non rft. A sidewall bulge will occur due to external impact by force usually by going through a pothole. It this case, you can check if your tire are running underinflated which may cause a sidewall bulge in your rft after being impacted by a strong external force. In any event it is more advisable to change out the tires sice it already has structural damage to its body plies
Looking through the article, I've got 2 big bulges on my tire. I don't remember going over any potholes but then again the quality of the roads in some sections of KL that I go through aren't to say fantastic. I'm thinking of just heading off to a BMW dealership to get them to get the manufacturer (Goodyear) to have a look at the tire for me. These run flats are quite expensive. I got quoted $2,500 to change a tire. Expensive!!
Try to claim.. don't play a fool with defective tyres. If pot holes damage, they know because pinch marks will be visible internally.
yeah, try to claim, usually the manufacturer will investigate the inner structure of the tire and if its really the tire fault, they will replace it for free..
malcolmc;677594 said:
yeah, try to claim, usually the manufacturer will investigate the inner structure of the tire and if its really the tire fault, they will replace it for free..

Not really free.. they will only reinstate the balance unutilized portion of the damaged tyre. Meaning if your still have 30% left, you need to pay the 70% cost of the replacement tyre.
Yup, my bro-in-law's F10 changed tyres 4 times already within 1 year! Now, 5th one also got a small bulge. I think it's the combination of RFT and side wall height on the F10 19" that cause it easy to be damaged. I have no problem with my RFTs on my 335 as yet.
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