Somewhere in the thread it was mentioned 'drain the ATF in a clean container and then reuse it' ... gosh! this BMW engineer must have been paid to write this 'utter' non-sense so that presumably or rather hopefully the trans will fail and BMW can make more money from the jaw-dropping high new transmission prices.
Personally having 35 years experience thrashing the s**t out of auto transmissions, I do not believe what the manual says as the gospel truth, it's only a guide. They are made to say it for marketing reasons and the feedback from public will be more like ...wah! first time lah no need to maintain auto anymore, can last forever, so save money esp the very sensitive BMW trans.
Go to any auto trans specialists around (I am always in contact with them) and they'll tell you horrifying stories of auto failures on MBs and BMWs and even show you what happens inside the box when it fails caused by the apparent lack of regular fluid change. It's frightening, seriously!! Most of the time, it's the heat here that 'kills' the fluid ... then the whole trans.
I was also told that any fluid/oil will in time contaminate (no such thing as contamination-free oil) and it is this contamination that hits to the bone of the electronics in the trans. The contaminants are basically metallic substances/particles that when it clogs around the internal solenoids it short-circuits them and causes trans problems. You can actually see some solenoids burnt due to this reason.
Remember, it's all how you market a product ... and how convincing you are! I believe the BMW engineers are very convincing.
At the end of the day, it is a matter of personal opinion whether to change or not. Personally, I would change the ATF on a regular interval basis.
My 2 cents worth ...