BMW E39 M5 vs Merc AMG

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Club Guest
Apr 18, 2007
Sifus,Am new in here and been driving E39 523i 2.5L 1996 model UK spec for the past couple of months. Just got myself registered and thought of introducing my self besides forwardign some queries.FYI, I will be transferred to Aberdeen with my family for 5 years (just got to know from my boss) and currently thinking of buying a car while I am in there for the duration. Came across a couple of options between the E39 M5 and AMG models but confused on which would be the option to go for. The E39 M5 searched is 1999 model while the AMG is 2001 model. Pricing wise the M5 slightly cheaper due to 2 years older. They both look pretty slick and am looking forward for some advice from those who have been in the UK and driven the cars there. Haven;t really thought of the road taxes in there but this will follow later. Any suggestion/advice highly appreciated.Thanks.
Hi boss, as for me i would go for the e39 m5 but depends on the individu lah.
Based from the looks, i say the e39 is much better looking than the 2001 model e-class.

Btw, please introduce yerself in the newbie section aite? Cheers mate.
Dear Newbiezzzs..wud rather u to purchase the national car at u support the country maaahhh BTW WELCOME DUDE...

You're in the BMW club forum which do you think is the obvious choise...ha ha ha
garang meh? no lar................................ just strict to the point :D
Go for the Merc AMG if you want top notch status with true luxury and pride..
Aberdeen??? Buy Subaru Legacy Wagon!!! hahaha

BMW is manual whereas Merc is auto, but in UK manual cars are common.

Personally I would have bought a brand new "no brainer" car that comes with 3 year free maintenance for daily commute and get a cheap sports car like an older Porsche/M3 as weekend car for thrills. Servicing won't be cheap there, and don't forget to look at the insurance group, coz that's also a killer.
Plus be aware police in UK totally sneaky nasty lot, got cameras EVERYWHERE just waitin to grab large amounts of your hard earned cash and your license too.
If you gettin speedy ride invest in a GPS speed trap detector which can update from internet.
This is what to expect:

Sorry got off topic, choose the beemer of coz :D
Given the roads you will probably encounter in this country, the M5 will be better fun and more thrilling in the long term. That's just my 2p and unbiased opinion having driven both marques.

Resale values are generally low in this country, as you probably already figured that out hence your upcoming purchase. Having said that, the M5 will be more saleable when you decide to upgrade, because it is and always will be an enthusiast, collector's car. An AMG is special, but it would have been long-outdated by then and AMG has a smaller following of enthusiasts here. Somply put, it will be much easier to find maintenance specialists, parts and members' help with a BMW than an AMG.

It would seem that Mercedes hails the most "prestigious" image in Msia, but here in Blighty, the M5 amongst many other better marques, rules too and will happily hold it's ground against newer luxury marques for many years to come.

Make a good pick, test drive carefully, HPI check it throughly and then love it till its time to upgrade.... you can't go wrong really.

Best classified can be found in (whole nation) and (the better ones owned by enthusiasts *hint* )


xtracooljustin;208150 said:
its a no brainer here. test drive both cars and go for the wan that sets ur heart on fire.
It's a no brainer to simply test drive and decide as where the heart goes on...w/o knowing the insight of the two.
Just want to know the technical diff between the two if anyone has tried both of them...before getting on behind the wheel...
Nemesis;208194 said:
Plus be aware police in UK totally sneaky nasty lot, got cameras EVERYWHERE just waitin to grab large amounts of your hard earned cash and your license too.
If you gettin speedy ride invest in a GPS speed trap detector which can update from internet.
This is what to expect:

Sorry got off topic, choose the beemer of coz :D
Thanks for the caution mate.
Am into Bimmer and happy with the current ride now...but crazing for higher torque...
absidian;208237 said:
Given the roads you will probably encounter in this country, the M5 will be better fun and more thrilling in the long term. That's just my 2p and unbiased opinion having driven both marques.

Resale values are generally low in this country, as you probably already figured that out hence your upcoming purchase. Having said that, the M5 will be more saleable when you decide to upgrade, because it is and always will be an enthusiast, collector's car. An AMG is special, but it would have been long-outdated by then and AMG has a smaller following of enthusiasts here. Somply put, it will be much easier to find maintenance specialists, parts and members' help with a BMW than an AMG.

It would seem that Mercedes hails the most "prestigious" image in Msia, but here in Blighty, the M5 amongst many other better marques, rules too and will happily hold it's ground against newer luxury marques for many years to come.

Make a good pick, test drive carefully, HPI check it throughly and then love it till its time to upgrade.... you can't go wrong really.

Best classified can be found in (whole nation) and (the better ones owned by enthusiasts *hint* )


Thanks bro...that's good piece of info...realized that the car resale value really drops... thanks again for the advice bro...
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