BMW driver follows satnav to edge of cliff

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Jul 5, 2007
West Yorkshire Italian Job reconstructionBy Lester HainesA Doncaster man is facing a "hefty recovery bill", and an appearance before the beak on a driving without due care and attention rap, after following his BMW's satnav to the edge of a West Yorkshire cliff, the Telegraph reports.Robert Jones, 43, was driving in "broad daylight" on Sunday morning en route to visit some chums. In the village of Gauxholme, he was directed up a narrow footpath which led to a fence, beyond which were "stunning views across the Pennines".Jones, likely didn't much enjoy the vistas, however, because he couldn't then reverse the car out, leaving it "hanging off the edge" of the precipice, as one police officer put it.The AA refused to assist, and so Jones called police. They deployed heavy machinery to extract the motor - a nine-hour process which attracted a crowd of locals. One said: "It's like something from The Italian Job, but what a waste of police time. It's all very well and good trusting your satnav, but how about trusting your eyes?"Jones explained: "It [the satnav] kept insisting the path was a road, even as it was getting narrower and steeper. I just trusted it. You don't expect to be taken nearly off a cliff."I rely on my satnav. I couldn't do without it for my job, and this is the first time anything like this has ever happened. I guess I'm just lucky the car didn't slip all the way over the edge but it's been a bit of a nightmare."A police spokesman concluded: "Nobody was hurt, but when someone nearly drives off a cliff it shows a lack of care which needs to be investigated."Another article here from the BBC, complete with a pic of the unfortunate car:
Amazing how complacent people can get with modern technology these days.
Most probably it is selected to "pedestrian" mode?

Happen to my friend once and we went thru all the back lane of people house. He just got the GPS new and was not set properly. It was scary.
Well, what can I say? A plain dumb driver... trusting his GPS more than his eyes. Potential scenario.... police officer to driver... why did you not avoid the wall? Driver... because my GPS says it is not there....:stupid:
jarance;407625 said:
Most probably it is selected to "pedestrian" mode?

Happen to my friend once and we went thru all the back lane of people house. He just got the GPS new and was not set properly. It was scary.

But according to the report he was using his car's satnav. Can the stock satnav system that comes with the car be changed to pedestrian mode?
loafer;407685 said:
But according to the report he was using his car's satnav. Can the stock satnav system that comes with the car be changed to pedestrian mode?

Not sure. My friend is garmin Nuvi. I suspect that something was wrong cos the voice message was giving instruction to turn at the last minute. Normally about 100m it will remind you.
jarance;407719 said:
Not sure. My friend is garmin Nuvi. I suspect that something was wrong cos the voice message was giving instruction to turn at the last minute. Normally about 100m it will remind you.

LOL that must've been quite funny. But yeah I know Garmin's you can change to pedestrian mode.

I doubt the satnav on the cars can do that though. Imagine if you see a BMW come gunning down a pedestrian sidewalk in the city. :stupid::stupid::stupid: Fkn run for your life man..ahhaha
loafer;407728 said:
LOL that must've been quite funny. But yeah I know Garmin's you can change to pedestrian mode.

I doubt the satnav on the cars can do that though. Imagine if you see a BMW come gunning down a pedestrian sidewalk in the city. :stupid::stupid::stupid: Fkn run for your life man..ahhaha

Unless the satnav directs us to a nice papaya farm... W00t! :D
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