maybe, loan repayment sudah habis. so time to upgrade to E46 or something else.Originally posted by rizalm@Mar 14 2006, 09:52 AM
By far, many people are selling the 1996 model. Is there some particular reason for this?.
for BMW and MERZ that's 12yrs to 15yrs old are still available to get a loan. except the loan percentage will be lower and the interest rates will be higher. then also depend on your financial background.
are you a good paymaster... if you are, maybe can get a better loan percentage/interest rates. still depend from who you buy from, and also you must have a good credit, in and out from your personal/current account.
bought my first BMW E36 yr97 to try out. cause selalu dengar cakap orang, kereta BMW maintenance very high. but see not much of a different with japs or ploton. if you trash the car, then it's another story.