That sounds to be a comprehensive delivery procedure, by BMW AB. Do they do it outside in the parking lot/heat or inside the showroom?
My Experience
I picked mine up at the dealership in Maryland (no way I'm gonna let some dealership monkey drive the first few critical miles out on the street). The CA wanted to spend the time, but I realized I already knew most everything I needed to know

(it was an involving/obsessing 6.5 weeks wait for the car, you see) lol. So I was in and out in less than 2 hours, including the trip to the dealership finance & insurance office and the parts department to get my complimentary exhaust tips, valve caps, mats and keychains. The time included my CA taking me around the dealership's service department and introducing me to my designated SA.
I didn't get to take many pictures eventhough I had planned so. Arriving at the dealership on that Fri afternoon, I was mostly cool (have to maintain my composure, didn't want to show people what a dork I was

). And I was pretty cool and calm when I was doing all the paperwork/finances etc. I was even pretty cool when I was going through the manuals and keys and stuff in the office. Then my CA said, "let's go take a look at the car", and when I saw her for the first time, out there in the front lot, shining in the Spring sun. I just started grinning like an idiot

And that new car smell...oh, boy lol. And that first mile off the lot felt so good, eventhough I was knee deep in I-495 traffic, back to DC.
That was a very happy time
What many of you don't know is that I had ordered my car originally for the complimentary BMW Performance Center Delivery in Greer, South Carolina. It's a pretty good deal, instead of taking delivery at your local dealer, you make your way down to S. Carolina where BMW puts you up at the Marriott, wine and dine you, tour you around Zentrum (BMW museum), tour you around the factory (where all the X5s and Z4s are made), feed you lunch at the BMW center, sign you up for a BMW professional driving instruction, take you for hot laps in an M5 and deliver your car in a special glass-enclosed delivery bay.
Doing the PCD meant my car was coming in as a Priority-Nine car and headed straight to Charleston, SC rather than the NY/NJ Neat terminal. It also meant I had to wait an additional 3 weeks (it takes time to set up the PCD schedule). Unfortunately, due to a conflicting work schedule on my part and my wifes' I cancelled the PCD halfway through my car's voyage across the atlantic and my car had to be trucked back up to Maryland. Looking back, I really regretted it.

This being my first new made-to-order UDM, I wanted the delivery experience to be perfect and as I dreamt of, for so long. But I did get my car sooner...
Here's one person's experience with PCD: