I gotta totaly agree with you Bailey,Just heard a true life horror story here that this bluetooth pairing thingy with the contacts was actually the cause of a divorce

..The story I heard was that the guy was fueling at the station while his wife and kids were in the car and the next thing you know there was an incoming call and the words 'sayang 1' was clearly displayed on the Idrive,wife picks up the call by pressing the steering controls and it was a hot sounding chick on the other end of the line.The poor bloke gets back in the car not knowing what transpired and happily drove home while the family was exceptionally quiet qll the way back.That night all hell broke loose at the home front.Guy gets into the car and checks his accepted call list and true enough there it was.I've been told that he is sadly divorced now....Moral of the story....Bluetooth phone listing in car is strictly for good boys only....even the slightest naughtiness can wreak havoc...Please be forewarned to all brothers in arms:wink: