Just yesterday morning...i woke up and freaked out to find soooo oh soooo many black ants on the car...those commonly seen on papaya trees....just waxed and polished my dear old car and ants are everywhere...maybe coz my car cover was touching the ground and it was raining...the ants found shade in my car... Round 1: Went to get my trusty old H2O spray......used up the whole bottle and killed those buggers...hose down the car with jet spray....voila...most of it were gone...and so I thought....went on with my daily routine... Round 2: Night falls....Placed some baits on the car to get some of those hidden crawlies...Next morning (today).....found ants crawling...easily banished 30 of them with my bare hands....hosed down the car again...the front of the car seems to be free of them...the back were infested...went underneath the car..jet sprayed the inner bumper....polished and waxed my car the same time....and so I thought they were gone... Round 3: Just now....5pm....found them crawling out from the bumper...crap..they are still there...went to get shieldtox.....stripped the bumper...sprayed the whole bumper in and out....they came out...I think I hit the jackpot....sprayed again...spray spray spray until all of them banished.....hose down the rear bumper...cleaned all the shieldtox stains..waxed...saw one or two of them..guess its over..waited for the car to dry..watched closely...nothing came up..guess 99.9% of them are gone..... REALLY CRAPPY 2 DAYS!! The bait I placed...a few of them seemed to died but most of them just walked past it...crap again...any idea what's a better bait? I think the 0.1% are still there...not sure how many...need to extinct them from my car... Suggestions suggestions....
ade mate,
it's ass luck right? coz,it usually happens when the weather's freakin like this,mine got creeped in too,a couple off times. did it all but i know they still come visiting in the hundreds during "their holidays".
well, 2tell you truth it's freakin hard to get this uninvited guess to f@#koff 4ever. so,goodluck,mate.try mothballs,worked 4me.
not too sure... in-law bought an ant-killer pesticide in a small box form. the box can be place anywhere. just don't know what brand is it! should try hardware shops.
anyway... first time gua dengar orang pakai spray minyak kat kreta. tak bau ka!
burn bro..not inside mah..outside..tak bau after u jet spray the car to get rid of the minyak...getting myself the box bait type and try to see if i can ward them off...