Avatar & Signature.

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why do so many guys have chicks & boobs in their avatar? just wonderin...could be a good idea but dont know why
BlackE90;359734 said:
Thanks Tom, hooray my avatar is Bigger now...

Congratulations Bro. With the help from Tom, Yours is Bigger Now! Hhehehehehe... *cabutzz*
berserkdroid;359739 said:
For BlackE90, size DOES matter...:D

Sori brudder, just had to kacau you a bit...

LOL...at least now my avatar is the same size as your droid avatar....
Bix;359740 said:
Congratulations Bro. With the help from Tom, Yours is Bigger Now! Hhehehehehe... *cabutzz*

LOL...ya bro, luckily Tom came to my rescue on time....otherwise I'll continue using the olive oil.....
blacke90...i have to think again when you ask me open questions like this...you mean the avatar or.....?
Hellraiser;359753 said:
blacke90...i have to think again when you ask me open questions like this...you mean the avatar or.....?

Aren't we talking about avatar...? Hhhhmmmm...anything else...? Actually I find it quite difficult to read between the lines....I am a very straight-forward person.
sorry bro. i got distracted with the size of the avatar. BIG difference....heheh! Cheers!!
LOL....totally agreed with you that the distraction is from the size of your avatar.....
I am kinda like the view.....great view, very pleasant to the eyes.

Cheers bro,
lamoo;359776 said:
So how to increase size of avatar please advise

You can't exactly increase the size of your avatar. Basically edit the photo in photoshop or some other software to the maximum size this forum allows, then upload it. =)
dear admin,

actually most of us face the problem of unable to upload avatar as well as signature in the forum.i been PM few of the moderator but only bro berserkdroid who really spend his time by helping me on the signature uploading.

after everythings done nicely,both avatar & signature go missing again so i posted it up for discussion,i english is poor so any words which i posted wrongly please forgive me here!!!!

i understand
The people behind BMWClubmalaysia.com forums are real life people who spend time and lots of effort putting up a site like this one and are ever ready to support all users' feedback and problems coz i also come from another side.

thanks for the advice as i will take extra note in future.

Tom;359721 said:
Hi Clockwork,

Firstly, please describe you problem in full.
You mentioned "this forum can't even upload any avatar & signature,"

How are you not able to upload your aatar?
-are you looking at some kind of an error?
-a missing upload function?

we have test accounts which we use to test the functionality periodically. It's not a fool-proof option looking at the many different web browsers, Internet Explorer, Firefox, new versions, old versions, corrupted, not corrupted and other sort of problems.

So we really need specifics from the problem you are facing.

I have tested with another test account and it seems to be working fine from there. Please tell me if you are still facing this error.

Just in case, here's the direct link to the avatar option:

To navigate to the Avatar option, Click User CP (as seen at the top of the navigation bar) then look for the left options that says Edit Avatar.

We'd really appreciate some kind of a sincere and constructive feedback rather than a, "what is hapening to this forum can't even upload any avatar & signature,asak for help but nobody bother"
The people behind BMWClubmalaysia.com forums are real life people who spend time and lots of effort putting up a site like this one and are ever ready to support all users' feedback and problems. Its not fair to just demand that your problem be fixed right now, is it?

Please provide some time and a teaspoon of sincerity when asking for support

Thanks and i hope your problems will be solved real soon.

Hi BlackE90

have you tried reuploading your avatar? Please try now. I've just done some more adjustments to the size. It should be much more uniform now as based on the other avatars.

The signature is now accessible through an uncollapse function at the bottom left of the posts. This is implemented purely because of the many obnoxiously large and unfriendly signatures.

In fact, there are people would rather not see an unfriendly signature than to see the same signature over and over again.

Not to mention, the forums are now much cleaner.

Jarance: The larger the forums are the bigger its database. To allow rapid re-searching among all users, guests or not, will subject the webserver to significant increase in load. The Current BMWClubMalaysia.com webserver is now, just the right type of size for the current community and activity we have.

A substantial upgrade in specs would be required to allow no-limits searching or other taxing funtions. Though this is in the pipeline, Please do not hold your breath for it.

I may be able to add a google supported search function to replace the existing search function. Let's see..

Bix;359511 said:
BlackE90 mate, don't you know that there's nothing much that can be done. It's God's gift and that is it. LOL... :wink:

Bix, hahaha...I have a bigger avatar than yours.....
Hey, look at Hellraiser's...also bigger than yours....

[sigh...!] yours is GOD's gift....nothing you can do....shall I pass you the olive oil?
BlackE90;359913 said:
Bix, hahaha...I have a bigger avatar than yours.....
Hey, look at Hellraiser's...also bigger than yours....

[sigh...!] yours is GOD's gift....nothing you can do....shall I pass you the olive oil?

Waahhh!!! Everyone is getting BIGGER ONES these days. LOL... Looks like BlackE90 and Hellraiser are admiring each other's sizes. :wink:

Don't worry about the olive oil. That is old school. We're in the 21st century and it is all high-tech. I just do it, electronically to make mine bigger, but as for now, I'm happy with mine. So far, no complain from others... LOL
Tom;359721 said:
Jarance: The larger the forums are the bigger its database. To allow rapid re-searching among all users, guests or not, will subject the webserver to significant increase in load. The Current BMWClubMalaysia.com webserver is now, just the right type of size for the current community and activity we have.

A substantial upgrade in specs would be required to allow no-limits searching or other taxing funtions. Though this is in the pipeline, Please do not hold your breath for it.

I may be able to add a google supported search function to replace the existing search function. Let's see..


Tom, thanks for the reply and clarification.

It is without a doubt that the bigger the database, the time to search it would take longer.

however, the problem that I am referring is the "Quick Link" -> "Today Post". Surely, it does NOT need to have the user to wait 20 seconds to reflash or search for the latest postings. In term of database for the last 24 hours postings, the memory size would be relatively small compare to the overall database.
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