Auto gear Oil level (E30)

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Club Guest
Jun 7, 2005
When and how is the best to measure the most accurate auto gear oil level? Example:-(when engine is turn on)1.when engine is started and warm but not yet running. (stay)2.when engine is started and warm and just stop from moving (from point A to B) this two step give me a totaly defference measurement 1 is full level 2 is lowers level, is that correct? Sorry and please direct me if this topic has been mention before. Thank you.:)

since auto tranny fluid (ATF) expands as it heats up,
ATF level should only be checked when the tranny is warm..
kira normal operating temperature aar..

kira kalu baru jalan dekat2 tu,
pi kedai dekat2,
temperature tu normal aar..

can also check ATF level when the tranny is cold..

ATF is normally checked with the tranny warm..
to ensure accurate results.. :D
metalrizca said:

since auto tranny fluid (ATF) expands as it heats up,
ATF level should only be checked when the tranny is warm..
kira normal operating temperature aar..

kira kalu baru jalan dekat2 tu,
pi kedai dekat2,
temperature tu normal aar..

can also check ATF level when the tranny is cold..

ATF is normally checked with the tranny warm..
to ensure accurate results.. :D


but which one is the most accurate or correct?
because when engine is warm ATF was check at full level but when I check immediatly after driving its at lowers lever!!:confused: so ...which one to reffer?

shall I top up ATF level base on after driving? I just worry, will it be over fill if we dont have a proper and correct time to measure ATF level. or as what you mention just base on warm engine to measure will be all right.:rolleyes:
kennytey said:
but which one is the most accurate or correct?
because when engine is warm ATF was check at full level but when I check immediatly after driving its at lowers lever!!:confused: so ...which one to reffer?

shall I top up ATF level base on after driving? I just worry, will it be over fill if we dont have a proper and correct time to measure ATF level. or as what you mention just base on warm engine to measure will be all right.:rolleyes:

ATF is normally checked with the tranny warm,
to ensure accurate results..

warm means normal operating temperature..
bukan suhu bilik yang 27°c yek..

kalu baru lepas drive,
mana leh terus check..

if the oil is checked immediately after driving the vehicle,
some of the oil will remain in the upper part of the tranny..
resulting in an inaccurate reading on the dipstick.. :D
metalrizca said:
ATF is normally checked with the tranny warm,
to ensure accurate results..

warm means normal operating temperature..
bukan suhu bilik yang 27°c yek..

kalu baru lepas drive,
mana leh terus check..

if the oil is checked immediately after driving the vehicle,
some of the oil will remain in the upper part of the tranny..
resulting in an inaccurate reading on the dipstick.. :D

Oh i see...

Thanks for explanation. I belive I have over fill. because I check base on after driving. maybe just wander why this can be defference so much, one situation is super under level and the other situation is over fill level:eek: . so make me worry and curious also confuse. just hope to know is it normal..:rolleyes:
For 35 years, have been playing cars with auto trans ( I love autos) including tricking up these autos and there is only one way to check ATF oil which has never ever failed ..... drive car for 15mins as this will ensure the auto trans gets hot reaching its own operating temp.

The engine operating temp does not mean the trans is also equally hot. Eg., you start the engine first thing in the morning and allow it to idle for 10 mins and engine would have reached operating temp from the temp meter indicator, but during this idling time, the trans is still in P or N and the ATF hasn't had a chance to get hot (just warm only) and to flow to all the nooks n crannies of the trans and also with no shifting during the idling time. All these will not give you accurate reading.

Hence the reason for actually driving the car before ATF level can be checked.

In short, drive car for at least 15 mins or more, then stop car, pull handbrake and put gear in P or N. Take out dipstick, wipe with lint-free cloth, insert the dipstick into tube wait for 3-5 secs, pull it out and check level. Top up to required level if necessary.

Simple as that!!.
Mouse said:
how to check for E46? no dip stick for ATF also

this is question aar..?

do you ever heard bout bimmer "lifetime" ATF..?
i've heard bout this thing,
and i know it use on e46 and e90 (for 3'er aar)..
but, i never check the car (mean: see it by myself),
jadi tak tau sangat aar..
but it wont be rumours..
thats for sure..

you can replace the oil / fluid if you want,
but i guess, u cant check the oil / fluid..

also i heard + read that better not replace the bimmer "lifetime" ATF..
since, many say that their transmission performed worse after the fluid change..
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