ATF change

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Club Guest
Feb 15, 2011
Hi all, I've got a e39 recently and wondering how ATF is changed for these cars. Drained from bottom and pump it back in from the same drain hole?I'm asking because I need to good workshop to change the ATF in my Audi as the regular workshop i went to for ATF change has closed shop.
Yes, drain from the bottom.

As for refilling, if you have an ATF dipstick, they will pour the fresh ATF into your dipstick opening via a funnel adapter. For those gearbox that don't have an ATF dipstick, they will pump in from the bottom of the car via a refill opening, the refilling lug located about 1cm above the gearbox sump.

Few things that's part of the procedure, like warming up the gearbox to 50 degree Celsius before draining, after refill, need to start the engine and move the gear shifter through all level to circulate the ATF for few minutes, then check level again, etc.. workshop mostly work "smart", if they never see your face before, very likely they will take short cuts.. especially went u not watching. For that reason, I'm not recommending any workshop because you may not get the same service level even though same workshop. For me, I don't trust any workshop.

Good luck!
I have the same problem, I don't trust any workshop and hence I don't know where to go to change my ATF now that my ATF shop has closed shop. I don't even trust the workshop that i normally go for mechanical work as they botched up one ATF change once.
Hence the dilemma - where to do ATF change?

If one drain the ATF as you described, it doesn't replace all the ATF right? It that acceptable especially I'll have to use different oil this time around.

Where do you go for ATF change? Don't tell me you're changing it yourself as I saw a thread where you serviced some car at your car porch.
hehe... I almost pull it off as a DIY project but I can't find the lobang to refill.. people ask me how to refill, I told them I intend to use the shampoo bottle to hand pump it in.. :10:

Even draining also big project because my normal tong for draining is not big enough.. I might end up staining my entire porch.. glad I change my mind half way through.. end up at a friend's tyre shop and did the replacement.

Also when refilling, car must be level because need to fill until spill. If car not lifted up level, the spill will either premature or vise versa. I even brought my own leveling gauge to measure the car's level after hoisted up.. :10: Many workshop don't care. Even the running through the gear procedure after refill and then refill again also many don't follow, not the mention the 50 degree Celsius gearbox temperature.

To achieve a level position on the hoist, must use the drive up hoist. Only the tyre shop has this for alignment purposes. Those chassis hoist does not lift the car in a level state.

Also please check what gearbox u using and check what's the right fluid. Most workshop bought their ATF in bulk and they will tell u one grade fit all. Which is not true. ZF gearbox has its own ATF fluid.

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