Anyone looking to let go of their E36?

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New Member
May 18, 2015
Hi guys,

I am looking at buying an E36 328i. My budget is around RM14,000 - RM19,000 depending on the condition of the car. I don't care whether it is manual or automatic so any transmission goes :)

Preferably one that has been well maintained with some records of the maintenance still intact.

I hope someone here can help me out as searching through the classifieds and car selling sites has proven unfruitful. Not a single decently well-maintained E36 available in the market. I have already posted in the forum's Classified section but still nothing. Thought I should branch out my reach by posting here as well.

hi bro , good luck in your hunt ..

e36 328 is a good choice .. get a well maintained and you will smile everytime on the pedal..

but i dont agree on this " Not a single decently well-maintained E36 available in the market " there are many here actually bro .. but the thing with the amount spent and love been given to thier ride i dont think so they will letgo for Rm 14-19k.. in other words u get a 14k car , u will spend another +/- 10k in your first 2months..

keep a close look on the cars here and then try contacting the owner , willing offer + willing seller might get the best deal .. try ur luck.. :rock:
unstopables_7 said:
hi bro , good luck in your hunt ..

e36 328 is a good choice .. get a well maintained and you will smile everytime on the pedal..

but i dont agree on this " Not a single decently well-maintained E36 available in the market " there are many here actually bro .. but the thing with the amount spent and love been given to thier ride i dont think so they will letgo for Rm 14-19k.. in other words u get a 14k car , u will spend another +/- 10k in your first 2months..

keep a close look on the cars here and then try contacting the owner , willing offer + willing seller might get the best deal .. try ur luck.. :rock:
What I meant by that statement was referring to the cars available on sites like Mudah. I have taken a look at all the e36 328s available in Klang Valley that has been listed on Mudah and I am OK with spending a bit more if it means getting a very well maintained car. As long as I don't have to spend more than 4k fixing it up. Plus, I have to think about insurance and road tax which should total up to 2.5k+ and I only have RM25k in cash :(
In my opinion bro , 20-25k is just nice to get a good car with fairly maintained on the other hand .. Why 328? 325 deliver quiet as good + manual can easily get what u get from a 328 ..

The positives are , cheaper roadtax , cheaper Fc , dont have to worry on GB giving way..

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unstopables_7 said:
In my opinion bro , 20-25k is just nice to get a good car with fairly maintained on the other hand .. Why 328? 325 deliver quiet as good + manual can easily get what u get from a 328 ..

The positives are , cheaper roadtax , cheaper Fc , dont have to worry on GB giving way..

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I think RM22k would be my cut off point. After road tax and insurance, that will deplete my cash in hand to RM500 hehe. I haven't seen any 325 manuals that are still available any where sadly...
Mods, please close this thread. E36 has been acquired. Now I am going through waiting for the PUSPAKOM inspection and name change to happen. Can't wait!!
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