anybody want parts?

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Club Guest
Jul 20, 2006
morning all. wah, been 4 months since i last log in. so, next week or the week after i might head to kl, so anybody want parts? i'll check what part i still have in the store down at the wshop. if i remember correctly i still have the gbox for 320/6 and m10(or did i gave it away to tht kl guy, rohan did u remember tht?) n still hv clutch plate n pressure plate, i'll check back. n some loose parts too. just let me know guys, this time it's dirt cheap. try ur luck. 0177993696. try sms/call me, i'll check out my stock.
hello bro.. long time no hear.
how you doing?
i dont think the gearbox came to kl la engine oni..
been trying to call you la.
interested in your delorthos.. ada lagi?
if possible can pm me the goodie list?
hahaha..dellorto's not sure if it's for sale hahaha... haven't got the time to list out yet, will let u know later bro
wokeh sure man.. but then if u got any jalan to get me some webers of dellortos lemme know k?
the solex takbleh pakai la.. :(
getrag 4spd frm 320/6 gbox. rm300

clutch plate rm100

all nego. will add more parts from time to time.
prefer cod but if want to post then must pay postage. tq
sorry manic, not feeling very well these few days. just sleep sleep n more sleep till vomit hahaha. want or not my twin D.Orto?
Hi Mr Kingpinai,

Do you have twin carburettors intake manifold for M10?
I have twin Dellorto's but still looking for the intake manifold. :(

Or... single downdraft intake manifold for M10 so later I can custom it.


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