Any January 2016 BMW buyers that were hurt by the recent EEV announcement?

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Mar 5, 2016
Sort of a self explanatory title.

I collected my first BMW on 28 January 2016 (Woohoo!), with a 2016 manufacture date, from Quill.
​I could have bought an unregistered 2015 for a lot less but I was more concerned about preserving first year depreciation as I'll normally sell a car after a number of years to buy someting newer.

To my horror, after driving my car for only about 3 weeks, the announcement came out that certain BMWs had been awarded Energy Efficient Vehicle status which afford them an ~8% price reduction. Long story short my car had dropped in value by ~RM15k overnight.

I wrote to BMW Malaysia but they brushed me off.
​I don't actually expect much in the way of compensation, but a token gesture would be nice so I don't feel like such a sucker.

I fully understand that BMW Malaysia wouldn't have any control over the timing of the EEV process, but it drives me crazy that no one mentioned this application was in process when I was considering buying the car. Chances are, I may have bought it anyway rather than wait for the outcome of the decision, but at least I would have been buying it with full knowledge of the situation and potential risk.

Really, just wondering whether any of you are in the same boat?

Cheers, guys.
Are you sure is 15K difference? Model 330? BMW increase 10k in RSP across the 3 series before announcing the price reduction of 8%.

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I collected mine 1 week before EEV

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Yup, bought a 118. It dropped from 189k to 174k thereabout.


Well, that's life. Received a reply from BMW that they're not going to do anything for affected buyers. Kind of down about it, but I guess best not to think about it now that I've already written in and given it a shot.

I was talking to the Quill agent, and they mentioned they had affected buyers that hadn't even taken delivery yet at the time of the EEV announcement.

Anyway, sorry about that, Crow.

Hope for some good news our way soon.
luckily i just paid my booking after 1 week they announce that. i told SA i want to cancel my order (with a loss of RM200) but after that SA manage to fight for additional 7K difference of the price. 238k vs 231k
Same thing happened when i got my car in May last year. Two weeks later they announced the new 5-year warranty and bsri...
Johnwade said:
Same thing happened when i got my car in May last year. Two weeks later they announced the new 5-year warranty and bsri...
Same thing happened to me, although I got the car in Feb last year. Still feeling the pinch til this day.
Ouch, well the timing of this thing was terrible. But I suppose there's a precedent.

Honestly, it seems kind of ridiculous to launch a car in December/January while you're waiting for the outcome of an application you've made that would hurt everyone that rushed out to buy your new vehicle just a few weeks later.

Totally understand that they can't predict when the government will respond on their EEV application but I don't believe for a second that this couldn't have been handled better. If they'd at least mentioned to me that this was a possibility I wouldn't be so sore about this.

It's not like they applied for it on a whim- it had been in the pipeline.

Pretty unnecessary too, anyone that was willing to pull the trigger on a purchase in January would be willing to pull the trigger in February. Your year-end sales would be approximately the same and you'd have a fair bit of good will with consumers. I guess they were more worried about January sales figures and in the end decided that the number of people that rushed to buy cars in January would be a relatively small group that could be easily ignored.

Oh, well, that's life I guess.
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