Hi there everyone, Stumbled upon this site while researching for a BMW car (among others). I want to own one for the longest time, and am still having my very very first car that my parents decided for me (long story). I am not too familiar with the joys or trials of owning another car other than the one I currently own (again, dont ask). But from the years of not changing cars, I think I managed to save a little for a second hand BMW. Although the airbag package for the 3 series from BMW Malaysia look EXTREMELY INTERESTING, I dont think the wife approves of such high commitment every month.What I am looking for: BMW E36Why: Always liked the BMW, just cant describe it... looks good, engineering is not too bad tooWhen: 1 - 2 years time (coz the wife needs new car), price range about RM80k (including mods, ICE everything)Why not new car: Am going to buy a japanese car for the wife, therefore, I am looking for a good second hand car to "play" a bit (something the wife can approve? any hints from the married ones?)Expected mods: interior refurbish, engine (not sure), new paint job (white), ICESo, I was just having some free time to look at second hand cars when I stumbled upon this site. Looks like there is a lot to be learned from here. I hope everybody can be patient with me as I am still researching for my BMW. Thanks!(more information about me, according to template)What do you drive: Iswara (dont ask, still first car chosen by parents)MalePicture of you: shy laLocation: PJOccupation: Am in advertisingHow you came about to know bmwclubmalaysia.com?: was researching for BMW. Also heard about this site from BMW Malaysia but never remembered the link...When was it?: today :wink: What were you expecting or purpose coming to bmwclubmalaysia.com?: researching for BMW cars, am looking to buy for one.... still not sure.What do you expect from bmwclubmalaysia.com in the next 1-2 years?: perhaps research more about bmw cars before deciding to buy one, my other friends are japanese car owners... nothing to shareWhat are you planning to do in the next 2-3years?: buy one BMW