Am i being cheated

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Jan 8, 2008
Hi all, I am a girl , not known about car.I bought a BMW E39 Japan Spec from used car dealer at Jan 2006 for the price of RM 145000.The car dont have leather seat nor steerling function control as well as CD changer.Currently i want to sell the car but being told that,The car registered card stated manufactured year was 2000. 525model.But this morning drive the car checked with my friends auto bavaria mechanic, i was told the car actual manufactured was 1997, 523model.abang abang here please advice.1) how much is the car price i able to sell ( agar-agar)2) Is it valid to define that the car dealer i bought this car from cheating me?3) Anyone of you encounter this case before?Thanks.
I Bought One 2002 E39 525i At Much Cheaper Price Than Yours......

Your Car Can Only Sell At Rm80K MAx............

You Should Check With Us Before You Purchase That Car Lady~~
What??? RM145k for Yr 2000. U should ask from someone who know bout car before buying especially expensive car. What is yr car chasis no? BTW which car dealer u bought the car? Sorry too many Q's. Maybe others abang abang in the forum can help u.

:love: :love: :love:
75-85k is the most you'll get, depending on condition and mileage.

Unfortunately, 523 cars with no leather or steering controls are really some of the oldest 5s around.

If you PM me the car's serial number I can confirm the exact model and production date for you.

you should have check with AB mechanic car before you purchase the car.

The car registration should state the year of manufacturer and registration.

Sometime the year of manuf and registration would be different if the UDM is imported or recon.

If there is a descrepancy, you can opt to take civil action against the dealer. Due to the amount involve, tribunal is out of the question as the maximum amount is limited to RM25,000.
Japan car nice mah.. ultra low mileage because Japanese hardly drive around due to the expensive parking and what not. But I think yours is unregistered recond car la. That's why it cost more because unregister mah. Low financing interest and u can put new number plate. Is yours light green color?

Japanese car usually lower spec with no multi function steering, no electric seat, and no leather seat but they are CBU (complete built unit) from Germany la. Quality ensured! :top:

523i for ur model if I not wrong, is 2,500cc mah. So calling it 525i also not wrong wat.. no that bad la.. still power mah!

Dunno what else is wrong with the car. I heard some errant trader even evaded import duty and the owner unable to transfer the car out when they sell it before clearing the duty or the Kastam just tarik the car without notice to u. Yet, this is not the most unfortunate one. Worst is they can't even sell the car because problematic AP.. :(

But RM145k is pretty much on the high side la. That means your model don't even have angel eye or to be exact the corona circle light ring in the head light and don't have the rear LED horizontal light tubes. Want to sell now? Jia lat lio.. :( and yes, I won't pay more than RM80k for such model no matter how mint of a condition they are.

I almost bought one in 2005. Used 2001 facelifted model (with angel eye) 520i, about 60k km mileage asking for RM138k, I offer RM118k.. :stupid: :D he refused to sell.. :D But your one is 2.5L 6 cylinder engine la. And that was in year 2005.

Keep the car lor.. nice car what?! upgrade to E60? or downgrade to Camry?

If I were u, and if the car laubeh car is running fine, keep the car lor. Sell for RM80k what u want to get? VIOS ah? Maintenance and fuel consumption definitely lower but when on highway, that car goyang goyang wan. :stupid:

And the E39 definitely have much better chance in surviving accidents!! That's why many rich people use the car mah!! :stupid: :D

Cheer up! Don't frown too much, it will give u extra wrinkle on the forehead ;) No pretty lor..
mmmm......cheated?....something like that legal terms it is called "caveat emptor"....meaning let the buyer beware....not much of a legal action against the used car dealer as he is not really "cheating" subtle words you did not do research and asked the right questions in deciding to get the car...

Keep the car lah....give it some facelifting....a bit of modifying...and lots of love...Still people will look at your car when it is beautiful whether 97 or 07 model.

97 model i think now fetch 65k only. Keep lah keep...join the tt session perhaps will get your passion fired up again.
James Chun;278394 said:
Keep The Car................Don't Sell It~~~~
u r not helping her man.........
laubehcar go to this website and enter Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs), they are used to uniquely identify your motor vehicles. after u enter it, u will see your actual vehicle information. u can get your VIN in your JPJ car registration card, if not mistaken in engine/chasis no.
Egon-E39;278361 said:
..97 model i think now fetch 65k only....

:eek: :eek: 65k!! :eek: :stupid: Geez.. what new Japanese car can u get with that price?? Keep it la!

Or.... auction in this forum la.. 65k going once!.. going twice!.. Do I hear 65.1k.. :D

Aiyaa... look at it this way. I just bought a brand new BMW, also I realised I paid a lot more, no less than 10k compare to others for an identical car.. what to do, am not a good negotiator.. :(

What can I do? Sue BMW ah? BMW will tell u the other salesman willing to sacrifice his entire commission? Why didn't u convince ur salesman to do the same?..
Pls introduce yourself in the Newbies Section ........... do it in a proper way.

Just because you said that you are a 'girl' (..... hmmm ..... driving e39) everybody is trying to help ....otherwise ...god knows what will happen.
yes mem jes go to the newbies section & intro yrslf there then all this abang2 can help u more than 15 pages of explanations
Bailey;278411 said:
yes mem jes go to the newbies section & intro yrslf there then all this abang2 can help u more than 15 pages of explanations

Ayat nampak???

:love: :love: :love:
no need lah to ayat ????????? wah congrats to those nicks which have turn to BLUE FILM KARER ALEDI yeah

soli ye mem to kacau yr thread for some promotion on being official member
as long as got girl involved, 15 pages no problem one. TS should come to TT, i'm sure many members will sell the car for her...hehehehe :D
Bailey;278424 said:

U want ahh?? I can give u free:love:


No need to sad. looks at positive side. U can proceed for legal action. But if sell the car at low price & loss huge amount at short period better keep the car.
Mod the car kaw kaw and u never regret it. E39 is one of the best car around.
Ok.... just got to know that some1 bought a 2002 E39 525i M-Sport at RM150+++.

Check this out.. :D

Sounds like he paid more if he discover later his also 1997 manufacturer.. :D
Mouse;278399 said:
u r not helping her man.........
laubehcar go to this website and enter Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs), they are used to uniquely identify your motor vehicles. after u enter it, u will see your actual vehicle information. u can get your VIN in your JPJ car registration card, if not mistaken in engine/chasis no.

hey it actually's my details. Cool.....

You Have Selected: P E39 Lim 520i M52 ECE 19990600 R A
Production Code: DM22, batch ID: 47537

So what does it tell?
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