Add a S/C for e46

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i think that dannybalak will be kinda busy to answer any of your questions. checkout the other brilliant ideas he has posted, especially the one on the usage of toyota ATF fluid in our cars. he should be docking bullets from all corners by now and probably defending the rubbish coming out of him.

talking about rubbish, WHAT the hell is he typing? english or gibberish?
lol.. i came across such a person in a different forum before and ended up to be a 14 year old punk. :)
check out his nick... maybe the 13 represents his age or mentality....

oh well .. i guess this one might have beaten your previous 14year old encounter.
bollocks! figured he would take the bait and answer.

can't be that dumb afterall????

but yeah, "mod a M3 instead of a low end bimmer"..... i do believe he/she hasn't entered the work force.
Haiya....not only pop corn liao lah...the movie also finished already and we are still here waiting for the 13 years old punk whom drive M3 IN HIS DREAM to answer the call. I think he's quite busy top up the TOYOTA ATF fluid in his M3 hahahahaha LOL :)

P/s : Hey Mr Dannybaba13...even though we drive "low end bimmer" as what you had mentioned ....WE DON'T DARE TO USE TOYOTA ATF OIL even just a single dot insufficient
hey all the sifu~ i had forgotten tht i had post a topic!
i so apologize..
any way.. i hear lot of ppl say tht in install a S/C kit will got alot prob..
as u all saying.. workshop will be my 1st home.. oh my!
im having business, and not much of time.. but i LOVE my ride! i wanted make it to SUPER ride..:stupid: :eek:
so how guy? if i jz modi my exchaust, ECU, air intake bla bla bla..
can i to be 300+? hm.. no lah.. jz below 300. around 280 can liao.. can ya?
how many electronik thing i can tambar?
and 1 think, how does HKS F-Con SZ work for? they said it can +hp right? iz true?
p/s (Im driving E46 325i 2001-2002)
Like what we told you in the different forum, you aint gonna get 300hp without going to the SC route. All the add-ons, ECU remap and etc...will most probably give u 20hp? maybe 30hp if u a are lucky....

unless u r going for a full engine rebuilt, cams, pistons and etc...that would cost u a bomb.
have you got any mod experience?

Seems like a big goal if you're still fresh. And from the questions you're asking, i think you're still wet behind the ears.

Before forking out all that cash and effort, made sure this is what you want to get commited to.
dannybaba13;251412 said:
cant blame the germans,,maybe the new school ppl in bmw,,is sabotaging the company so the mercedes can take over ....where old schol ppl ,,either mati or bought by some1 esle,,,HIDUP BIMMER...BUT if ur mom mau jual e30 sell to me ya bro,,,pls ask her,,can i see the cAR,,,I GILER E30..REGARDS TQD

qoute extracted from

looks like dannybaba is busy with something else other than the TOYOTA atf idea he cough out. from the quote i got from the 5er section, looks like he has some conspiracy theory as well.

now where is my coleman cooler box, time to stock up on beer and peanuts.
I have popcorn.....but he seemed to have disappeared....I think he is searching for his E92......
Ting Ting Ting Tinggggg !!

Paging for Mr dannybaba13, Calling for Mr baba13

Can u please return back here and answer the unsolve mysteries. Don't simply ruin the thread and MIA. You might mislead all the newbies brains.

Index :
MIA - Missing In Actions
dannybaba13;251389 said:
sorry bro,,Y NOT BUY A M3 N MODI IT BETTER RITE than spend so much money on modi a low end bimmer to a higher end,,the kaki of the car cant take it...regards..tq d

Hello friend a.k.a. dannybaba13

It seems like u are getting somebodies mum E30 soon. Does u classify this as low end bimmer too as what u had mentioned in previous thread. I though you are looking for M3...L.O.L. :thefinger:
wah.. i see the forum is as hot as ever since i left.

noticed a lot if e46 drivers have upgraded to the but very pricey indeed.

oh yeah,while on the subject of SCs,check out ESS's new offerings.the TS-series SC kits based on the Lhysolm twinscrew unit looks very very nice and neat.also offers better boost characteristics and thermal performance while having a very clean and neat install,no unsightly pipings to run in the engine bay.

an M54 325i will make approx 290bhp with a TS1(stage 1),more than adequate for our visit for more info.
hi..pretty good.

dunno what happened but i wasn't able to enter this site till today..just wanted to know what's up here.i'll be making a purchase on a BMW soon..but dunno what model yet,probably an e60 525i m54 which i can supercharge.talked to Asbjorn of ESS and they just launched a kit for the e60 its looking great albeit rather pricey.i've also looked at the e46 330i m-sport for a less pricey alternative..darn,dunno which way to go la.

my STi is pushing 400bhp fact,i met LumKy with his STi the other day at the Sepang track during one of the trackdays.sadly tho,i'm selling the STi to my brother so will be coming back to the fold(BMW):top: .
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