323Ci Cabriolet

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Mun Yue

Club Guest
Dec 3, 2005
Hi Guys & Gals,I'm new here. Intend to upgrade my car to 323 Ci (E46) Cabriolet (convertible) but know nothing much on this car, attracted by its exterior and fabulous outlook. Is there anyone out there driving this model? If so, can I have your comments?Or anybody there can let me have further details of this car or any better suggestion? I found a dealer, Yap Brothers selling the same, asking for RM205,000 for year 2000/2004 car, 20k mileage (negotiable). Is it a good offer (apart from checking the parts, etc)? Thanks guys, looking forward to all your comments.
Welcome to the club. I own E36 Cabriolet . E46 you are looking at is a beauty. Yes the interior is very much improved over it's predesassor,

so as the soft top mechanism. Now it is fully auto with hydraulic cylinders.

I will go for Hard top option. This is especially usefull when you are using as daily drive and park the car to your convienience.Soft top attracts alot of Vandals & Itchy hand.
So if the soft top fails you, put the hard top and you still have a car to drive around pending sorting the soft top problems.

Oh yes . You are looking at depreciation of around RM15 to 20K per year. If that is fine with you . Go and get your dream car and
enjoy the ride--topless

Rgds JBK..
cool , mileage 20k ??? or you mean 200k ?...something fishy ....better get 3rd party mechanics to check it out -

what to look out for - get it to a mechanic to do a full checking on it , if you want recommendations on who to check the car contact me via pm.

get the service records if possible , 205k its still very negotiable ! press it down further to around 180k as convertibles are not very in demand ..especially if its a 4 year old car. ask for the registration card to see which year the car was manufactured..

motortrader has a wide selection of convertibles , www.motortrader.com.my .. i always see alot of convertibles advertised.

the car is slightly heavier compared to a similar 323ci due to reinforcements to both the doors , power wise , shouldnt be that bad. check out the auto-roof if its in good condition .
Originally posted by Mun Yue@Dec 3 2005, 01:13 AM
Hi Guys & Gals,

I'm new here. Intend to upgrade my car to 323 Ci (E46) Cabriolet (convertible) but know nothing much on this car, attracted by its exterior and fabulous outlook.

Is there anyone out there driving this model? If so, can I have your comments?

Or anybody there can let me have further details of this car or any better suggestion?

I found a dealer, Yap Brothers selling the same, asking for RM205,000 for year 2000/2004 car, 20k mileage (negotiable). Is it a good offer (apart from checking the parts, etc)?

Thanks guys, looking forward to all your comments.
i c tis car b4, good cond n the $ reasonable, the boss is my best fren, Calvin. Just direct deal with him, he sure gv u good $. He used to owned 330CI as well, but sold already.
Hi Johnny,

I've viewed the car. The engine sounds good and silent. But the interior, (esp. leather seats) look a bit torn and used up.

I think would have to spend at least $3-4k to touch up the interior (seats) and the rust on the electric soft top. Colour wise, I would prefer dark colour, not the existing silver, another $ to spend.

Very interested but don't get to know much of the car's history. It was manufactured 2000, imported from UK and registered 2004 in M'sia. No previous record or history of the car from the dealer. The previous owner was from Muar and occupied the car for 1 year, no pass service record whatsoever, so... a bit concern about that.

Despite the fact that u know Calvin :) hehe, how much do u think the car worth? Frankly speaking, I'm still looking around but not many in the market, would also prefer the car come with hard top, if not, another $8k to spend. Emm.. considering.

Mun Yue
not possible lar..20k mileage if the interior is torn ....205k expensive! can nego down further!
Originally posted by Mun Yue@Dec 3 2005, 01:13 AM
Hi Guys & Gals,

I'm new here. Intend to upgrade my car to 323 Ci (E46) Cabriolet (convertible) but know nothing much on this car, attracted by its exterior and fabulous outlook.

Is there anyone out there driving this model? If so, can I have your comments?

Or anybody there can let me have further details of this car or any better suggestion?

I found a dealer, Yap Brothers selling the same, asking for RM205,000 for year 2000/2004 car, 20k mileage (negotiable). Is it a good offer (apart from checking the parts, etc)?

Thanks guys, looking forward to all your comments.
Hi there, am selling my ride. Would you be interested? View here: http://bmwclubmalaysia.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7444
Hi Black Cat, nice car but i'm lookin at convertible, thanks anyway.

I think the 20k mileage is started from the year of registration, which is 2004. So, any history before that I've no idea at all.

The seats are not worn out but a lot creases. The upkeep of the interior is not really good. Mayb because if compare to my current car, I've higher expectation. My car is 4 years old, but interior is excellent, still have that new car and leather smell.

Anyway, going to view another 330CI, asking for RM255k. Out of my budget actually, big gap in price. See how la...
actually a 5 year old car would have way higher mileage...they have tampered the odometer...that is why they interior looks torn..i think the car has been laying there for almost a year if i am not wrong..cos i stay in cheras too...better check the manufacture date..n do a proper checkup at bmw workshop where they have gt1 or modic 3...geting a cabrio will be a hassle cos it is difficult to replace..n not much ppl in kl know how to service the lifter..once it faisl it will be expensive...better if the car comes with hard top...if u have any question u can pm me kay?

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