320d refuelling / diesel station list

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I was back from Penang few weeks ago. As our car is so good on fuel saving, so I dont bother to look for petrol station and refill while in the island, thought of refill only when I left. When I left Penang, the meter indicate still have almost half a tank but already clocked 600+ km. (what a wonderfuel saving vehicle)

when going back KL, I drove in to the petronas station after Juru, the diesel nozzle at the station is too small for our car, so I go to the next petro station (I can't remember the rest area name). unfortunately, the nozzle is still too small. So, pleae take note of these 2 petrol station which we can't pump.

At the time, I still left with 3/8 of tank, so can't be bother and drove all the way back to KL. When I reached KL, the obu indicate the car can still travel 110KM, and the meter reading was 956KM.... :) :top::top::top:
mat6689;565268 said:
I was back from Penang few weeks ago. As our car is so good on fuel saving, so I dont bother to look for petrol station and refill while in the island, thought of refill only when I left. When I left Penang, the meter indicate still have almost half a tank but already clocked 600+ km. (what a wonderfuel saving vehicle)

when going back KL, I drove in to the petronas station after Juru, the diesel nozzle at the station is too small for our car, so I go to the next petro station (I can't remember the rest area name). unfortunately, the nozzle is still too small. So, pleae take note of these 2 petrol station which we can't pump.

At the time, I still left with 3/8 of tank, so can't be bother and drove all the way back to KL. When I reached KL, the obu indicate the car can still travel 110KM, and the meter reading was 956KM.... :) :top::top::top:

Yeah mat6689...the 320d has got such a long range, it doesn't really matter...it's not like one of those 160km/charge electric cars....hee hee hee
Thinking to upgrade my beemer to E90 now, so quite interested and researching the 320d. This thread really informative as didn't know have to remember which station and even which pump to fill diesel! Also read that the govt is requiring oil company to introduce 5% biodiesel next year instead of Euro4. I think some push from plantation company to the govt for this. Any info on this move and is biodiesel suitable for BMW?
meetoo;565322 said:
Thinking to upgrade my beemer to E90 now, so quite interested and researching the 320d. This thread really informative as didn't know have to remember which station and even which pump to fill diesel! Also read that the govt is requiring oil company to introduce 5% biodiesel next year instead of Euro4. I think some push from plantation company to the govt for this. Any info on this move and is biodiesel suitable for BMW?

It's really no that bad, bro. More over, all drivers are creatures of habit and usually go to the same stations again and again-just that now we remember which pump has the right fitting nozzle at each particular station!
The 320d is worth it-with Euro 4 coming end next year and better performance from the already supreme 320d even on the Euro 2 fuel that we have now! Don't know how I can manage all this torque and speed next year with the Euro 4.....-already i drive way too fast!..ask the rempit Raub gang...!!:vroam::ridinghorse::driver:
doc, there's no performance increase using Euro 4 compared to Euro 2 diesel, it's exactly the same. Your exhaust may be cleaner but that's it. I spent something like RM300+ on two top ups in Singapore testing this out ;)

meeto, biodiesel isn't supported by BMW and it'll void your warranty but what I've been reading online basically states the problem to be of the varying biodiesel quality. Biodiesel of top quality should not cause any problems to the engine, in fact it's better than GTL diesel Euro 4 since biodiesel has zero sulphur.

I still doubt that there's going to be much biodiesel push in Malaysia, we've talked about it for years with nothing happening...
Agreed with you bro. But I saw a report on a few company which invested in the plants after the Govt push a few years ago but found no markets outside the country because of price, so now the Govt have to support them. Caltex already announced introducing biodiesel next year. Wonder what's the policy now.
They should still allow ordinary diesels to be sold too alongside biodiesel if the plan is approved.

The price of bio-diesel is likely to be higher and may cause additional deposits in our engine.
zhul;566130 said:
They should still allow ordinary diesels to be sold too alongside biodiesel if the plan is approved.

The price of bio-diesel is likely to be higher and may cause additional deposits in our engine.

Completely agree. Which is why I thought the "excuse" that Euro 4 diesel will affect old truck engines is bullshit. What's wrong with selling Euro 2 and Euro 4 diesels side by side?
mat6689;565268 said:
I was back from Penang few weeks ago. As our car is so good on fuel saving, so I dont bother to look for petrol station and refill while in the island, thought of refill only when I left. When I left Penang, the meter indicate still have almost half a tank but already clocked 600+ km. (what a wonderfuel saving vehicle)

when going back KL, I drove in to the petronas station after Juru, the diesel nozzle at the station is too small for our car, so I go to the next petro station (I can't remember the rest area name). unfortunately, the nozzle is still too small. So, pleae take note of these 2 petrol station which we can't pump.

At the time, I still left with 3/8 of tank, so can't be bother and drove all the way back to KL. When I reached KL, the obu indicate the car can still travel 110KM, and the meter reading was 956KM.... :) :top::top::top:

Hi mat, did you check all the diesel nozzles or just one or two? From my experience, some Petronas stations have 1 or 2 nozzles that fit and the rest don't. So you have to check all the nozzles, especially those listed here. Also, would be good if you can get the station name.

Did some travelling over the last week, and did a quick survey of the east coast Petronas stations. First post has been updated with all the new info and cleaned up. Let me know of any errors.

And my 320d clearly states no biodiesel on the cap. So I guess biodiesel no good for mine, at least.
The commodities minister today announce that biodiesel will be introduce by June 2011 ler. Hope they will continue to sell normal diesel too.
Got one more to add:

SHELL on Jln SS23/43 (from Atria heading towards Tmn Megah)

Guys - I could not find a nozzle that fits at this Shell station opposite Eastin Hotel on the Sprint HWY.:motz:
The Petronas next door has the "notched" ones, so it's OK.
Hi all diesel fans,

Does anyone found any documented report that Euro4 will be introduced in 2011m apart from B5?

Likewise, any report anywhere on damage to BMW 35D engines using fuel below Euro4?

Thank you in advance.
Who needs Euro 4?

It doesn't matter. bro. Already on Euro 2, we are getting tremendous performance...look at our dyno test results done yesterday...and mine and zhul's cars are the first 177hp, 350nm torque cars. the new ones are 184hp/380nm torque...wonder what maniac's dyno map will show!phewwww!:rock:

gameover went to S'pore and he tried the Euro 4 on his 320d -absolutely no change in performance...

Phelddagriff;576280 said:
The Caltex in which direction? Or both?

Bro, this is the one located along the way from TTDI out to the city. The nozzle is not an exact match, but fits in when it is turned to the 3 o'clock position.
OK, I've updated the list. Also went to the Caltex towards TTDI. They have the nozzle as well, so both Caltex can be used.

Keep them coming.
DieSel;576416 said:
Bro, this is the one located along the way from TTDI out to the city. The nozzle is not an exact match, but fits in when it is turned to the 3 o'clock position.

Darn I was there just now and it didnt fit. I didn;t turn it to 3 oclock as I read your post after going there. Will give it a try later as I need another fill
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