Z4 Newbie

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Club Guest
Dec 5, 2012
Hie guys!Im Bryan and new here as well as to the car I'm planning to get. Btw im from Penang....and Am planning to get a 2009 recon z4 23i from UK...was wondering if there is anyone who can share their thoughts on the car in terms of care and maintenance costs. Ive been getting mixed reactions from different people. Some are saying that the car tends to get into alot of problems and you will end up spending money taking care of it regardless of whther you drive it alot or not. Some are saying its a great car but maintenance are costly but relatively trouble free...so im kinda confused.lolI wanna put it in perspective to have an idea really and would appreciate any advice from fellow members here on the cost i can expect yearly, in owning this car. Also any tips on how to care for it and etc etc...Thanks!
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