Whistling sound from engine bay

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Club Guest
Mar 11, 2008
Just curious whether anyone had this issue before on their E46? I heard this sound on and off from the engine bay even while am driving.
i got the same sound too but i think its from the air cond..
asked my mech but he say theres no prob..
not sure..

can anyone help us with this...
Could be a punctured hose somewhere. Last time I heard a whistling sound it came from one of the hoses connected to my brake booster. Change the punctured hose and it's all good. I'm driving a E36 btw.

You'll need to listen closely to see which area in your engine bay the whistling sound is coming from first before a proper diagnose can be done.
Hope nothing puncutured.. :(
loafer, how much the brake booster hose cost u anyway?

Dont think is air cond belt sound...hmm...
mine happen at first engine start or the engine is cold and the whistling sound appear about 1 minute..I don't know what the problem is..i just ignore the whistling sound. Anyone has same experience on this?
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