Which Thermostat??

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Club Guest
Aug 23, 2005
I came to know original specs for thermostat temp for various model as below: 1. M20B20 or B25 : 80 C.2. M50B20 or B25 : 80 C.3. M50TUB20 or B25 : 92C.4. M52B20 or B25 or B28 : 92 C.5. M54TUB20 or B25 or B28 : 97 C. I realised that engine with vanos required higher temp 92 C, double vanos even need higher 97 C. And as you can noticed, newer engine need higher temp.. Question is shall we follow the original spec as above, or shall we "localised" it by changing the thermostat to lower temp to suit our tropical weather here..? Thanks for your input !!
My engine is M50TUB25, i've been using 80 C for 3 yrs, till today never accouter any problem due to that.
I think it is better to use the original spec. Mine is a 90 or 92C and have not had problems(used to without a termostat. some mech remove my thermostat and it keep overheating in traffic). I think if u are experiencing overheating problems it is better to upgrade the radiator.

The newer engine are designed to run hotter to improve efficiency.
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