Where is the list of the club's committee?

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Club Guest
Dec 9, 2004
I cant seem to locate the listing on this website. Could you guide me to the list? Also when is the next AGM ? Thanks.
Bro in order for you to know the the club committee you must be an official member and as for the agm only official member can attend it bro which i dont think you are now. So joint and be and official member bro.
actuarry, the ros only require notices of club agms are sent to members only.
I only asked as a matter of interest. Since this website holds itself up as being part of the BMWCLUBMALAYSIA, i thought it only proper that such information be displayed for all.

Anyway if I really wanted I could do a search at ROS to ascertain such details.

So why not post up the club details on this website unless this website does not belong to the club and has nothing to do with it. Then wouldnt that be a misrepresentation?
that would be right... and you would be utterly correct...
if the website admits only its members.

yes, you can try searching at ros too. while you are at it, you can check out what the rules governing societies too. might help you understand how it works.
So why not post up the club details on this website unless this website does not belong to the club and has nothing to do with it. Then wouldn't that be a misrepresentation?[/quote]

The website does belong to BMWCM, but it is also open to none official members. As for club matters there is a thread that is only access by the official member which is call members lounge and all club related thing is posted there.
But since you said you also can get it from ROS than i suggest pls do.We here are not oblige to give out p&c club detail to non members. I hope this explain your question bro.:top:
The details of the committee is in an Exclusive area for members only , when you are an official member you will have rights to this area...as the committee is only for official members to know...in this open forum where it is free for non paying members theres no need for you to know who is the committee...as the committees role in the open forum has got nothing to do with club matters but the smooth running of this website for you all to enjoy and hopefully later join as an official member.
I have been following non-official member anxious's postings tonight and I have managed to find that ironies abound ..... the committee is to serve only official members but official members number around a couple of hundred only compared with the non-official members whose numbers run into the thousands....

The way I see it, the value of this club or forum (I am always confused as to what the relationship of these two are) is the couple of thousand eyeballs that from time to time stop by and browse these pages not the couple of hundred official members who are in terms of numbers too insignificant to appear on anyones radar..... be it an advertiser here let alone BMW Malaysia or BMW AG.

I'm feeling kinda wicked now....perhaps there is a suggestion of .... subsidy?..... the many subsidising the few? in relation to the operation of this forum? Am i off the mark?....

In that sense maybe the committee should serve people like me and anxious not innovator who says he has owned 3 new BMWs? :)

Quote from committee member XXX "....unless everybody here joins the club and form a union so strong with 2000-3000 members..then we are playing a different ball game...but with 150 to 200 members currently what voice is there..." .... how right you are.....
Jipster;255866 said:
I have been following non-official member anxious's postings tonight and I have managed to find that ironies abound ..... the committee is to serve only official members but official members number around a couple of hundred only compared with the non-official members whose numbers run into the thousands....

The way I see it, the value of this club or forum (I am always confused as to what the relationship of these two are) is the couple of thousand eyeballs that from time to time stop by and browse these pages not the couple of hundred official members who are in terms of numbers too insignificant to appear on anyones radar..... be it an advertiser here let alone BMW Malaysia or BMW AG.

I'm feeling kinda wicked now....perhaps there is a suggestion of .... subsidy?..... the many subsidising the few? in relation to the operation of this forum? Am i off the mark?....

In that sense maybe the committee should serve people like me and anxious not innovator who says he has owned 3 new BMWs? :)

Quote from committee member XXX "....unless everybody here joins the club and form a union so strong with 2000-3000 members..then we are playing a different ball game...but with 150 to 200 members currently what voice is there..." .... how right you are.....

:top: :top:

This is where you have misunderstood, about 3 years ago this forum was open to all and anybody who sign up and had a log in name was considered a member, if you have not notice we have gone one step further and registered BMW Club Malaysia as an official club, as of now once you have paid the fees are you only a member, we are using 'regular member' and 'official member' at the moment to differentiate that status but might change 'regular member' to maybe 'Forumer' in the near future as this has been causing some confusion lately, this matter is still under discussion.

The forum now as I have said earlier is like a TV station to the club, to let people watch it and later subscribe to it when they see fit. It also acts as a clubhouse for the paid members to gather and find out the latest happenings.

I know you have been reading anxious's thread , there he is insisting that we have to represent all BMW owners but that is a totally different situation all together, there we were trying to tell him that dont assume we represent all BMW owners, we will help where we can but at least go through proper channels dont go around demanding and ensuring his lady friend that BMWCM will solve all issues pertaining to BMWs, you can look around the forum , this forum is about making friends and helping each other. With a title that ends with an exclamation mark is that mere suggestion or a directive.

You see the Bigwigs out there will not layan just a forum they would layan something thats is officially registered and that is why the club took that path and the numbers that they see, will be those that is officially registered in the club registry as it is audited and not based on the forum, for the forum all I have to do is get the webmaster to key 1000000 active members and we will have 1000000 active members, so you see the picture now.

In the BMWCM Forum the Committee are just administrators/moderators, as for the Club the Committee's job is to look after the interest of its members.
As the committee are also made up of humans we will also help all other humans in need wherever possible.

Before this thing gets blown out of proportion again I will leave it open for another hour for anybody here to have the last words before I close it.
Well I'll keep it short seeing this will be locked.

Ultimately the question has to be asked, out of a potential memberships of thousands, WHY are there only 150-200 members?

But that's probably for a new thread.
A product advertised on TV shown to tens of millions, does that product sell tens of millions as well the next day?

We are only 3 months old dont forget....still in its infancy ..still learning to crawl...
need people like you to support ...so can start to walk....
Please stay within the topic...
If the question has been answered, then this thread should be closed.

if you have other questions, please do what you have figured out as the right thing to do: start a new thread.

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