What's the definition of .. ?

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Club Guest
Jul 14, 2009
Hi allMay I ask, what does TT stands for?And I see some threads title with WTS or WTB, what does it mean?
eh? i always thought TT session meant "teh tarik" session cos that is what we all end up having. oh well....
Hellraiser;496687 said:
eh? i always thought TT session meant "teh tarik" session cos that is what we all end up having. oh well....

Anything lar..
bmw7833;496699 said:
Now where u move to? Think to meet u next week.

Still same place not yet find new house. Next week not around. In KL for BMWCM AGM:sleep:
initialM;496701 said:
Still same place not yet find new house. Next week not around. In KL for BMWCM AGM:sleep:

OK ok.

Ehh bro, the M3 rims which sell in BMWSG very cheap ler, go and sapu it lar.
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