water sprinkle issue

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Jan 10, 2008
ALL Gurui don no what is the thing call (assuming its known as water sprinkle / water dispenses) that it dispense water to wash our front panel glass with two wiper blade. i just got my car back after two days of servicing. today, i try to wash the dirty glass as i press for water. the wiper blade are moving but no water shooting up. the water tank is full. only bubbles came out without water shooting out. called up my mechanic (in jb) than he told me he forgot to fix it and it might due to the dirty dust stuck inside. right now im in PJ, Selangor. he ask me not to pass to any other mechanic in case they mess it up! but i cant wait till im back jb to have it fix by my jb mechanic as i'll be in PJ & Penang for a weeks time. any idea what happen? or any idea how to trouble shoot / fix this error?
u can try clean the thing by using needle..do that last time on my e34 as some dust trap infront of the tiny nozzle, but dont know can or not on e60..but worth trying.
bro primes & b33mer, thx for the advice. i will give it a try. been park under car garage for 1months+ without driving it. only two days ago sent to service than try to wash the window only to realize that its fail me. will try the method tomolo morning n will update back again. any other possibilities?
It could be the water pump that is giving problem. Sometime debris will get stuck in the pump and cause it to jam.

When you pull the wiper lever, check whether there is buzzing sound at the water reservoir. It there is a sound, it means that the water pump is working and your nozzle is chocked.
morning jarance dude! so what if is chocked as you said? how to troubleshoot the error if the nozzle is chocked as you predicted? any other possibilities beside than the several listed in top? im going down to check the car out now and will update back shortly what are those symptoms i hear
chookleng;480930 said:
morning jarance dude! so what if is chocked as you said? how to troubleshoot the error if the nozzle is chocked as you predicted? any other possibilities beside than the several listed in top? im going down to check the car out now and will update back shortly what are those symptoms i hear

If the nozzle is chocked, then there is nothing much you can do expect to clear the blockage with a needle or wire.

There is a way to check for nozzle chocked. Just unplug one the plastic hose located at the nozzle (basically to bypass the nozzle). Pull the wiper lever and see whether there is water coming out. If there is water JETTING out, then you can confirm the pump is OK and the nozzle is chocked.

BTW, there is also a possibility that the plastic tubing may have got squash by the bonnet which cause the restriction of the water flow. Happen to my E36 once.
And looking at the video link by B33mer (post #3),

check the fuse.. if there is no sound from the water pump..

(why I never think of this.. LOL)
bro just check the pump. there is sound when i pull the lever except no water jetting out. will need to check again by unplugging the T-Valve and see if there is water jetting out or not. hope nothing serious in mine case. thx again for ur experienced share here. though it look as if a small issue but...it could be pretty disheartening and annoying to me men. sigh......will update back shortly
If I am not mistaken, there is a black thing between the nozzle and the T-joint. I dont know what it is.
I have bypass it (remove it) and the spray also work as well.
i havent yet go down to check this out. will do so shortly. hope only some dust stuck inside and easy for me to troubleshoot. by the way, when i pull the lever, only a very little water "leaking" out from the side. what does this indicate? could be the spray jet blocked or pump konk?
chookleng;480937 said:
i havent yet go down to check this out. will do so shortly. hope only some dust stuck inside and easy for me to troubleshoot. by the way, when i pull the lever, only a very little water "leaking" out from the side. what does this indicate? could be the spray jet blocked or pump konk?

If there is little water coming out, if could the pump. Just unplug the plastic tubing and check again. If the pump is OK, the water should be able to shoot about 3 to 6 feet away. If not, your pump is about to konk. I have repaired it by spraying WD40 but the problem came back after 3 months. End up changing the pump from chop shop. I think it cost me about RM150.
many thx jarance. i will go check it out before driving into office later. will update back the status here after checking it. hope my pump not going to konk so young...knn
bro chook leng...
In case nothing works after you perform what the members told you to do... pls send to the nearest BMW specialist later ok??? I know a good place in PJ...
latest update...im currently in perak (30th dec, 2am) and before leaving to perak i perform all the option been advice as above. none of it success! than called up my jb mechanic, he ask me to fill the tank to full n see if any water leak out thru the pipe that will auto purge out over fill water. but nothing come out though the water is fully fill (water level reach the tank covered head). from there, my mechanic conclude n confirm me tat the washer jet tank needed to be clean as he believe the dirty might been the main culprit. as for the reservoir, there is loud sound when i press the lever though no water coming out. final conclusion above all...having spray jet fail when on traveling (traveling far), its bring lot of trouble and importantly...it endanger driver as i cant clean the view when required!! need stop at kiosk to have it clean whenever needed. knn...damn annoy me!!!!
Time to apply some elbow grease.

If the reservoir tank is dirty, you can pull out the water pump and let the water drained out.
when it is empty fill the reservoir with water to further flush the tank.

The water pump is black in colour and cylindrical in shape. You might have 2 water pumps if you have water spray for the headlights. (see item 11 and 14 of pic above)

You can check the water pump when it is taken out for any blockage.
Could it be that air is trapped inside and can't escape? I got my wiper washer pump changed once due to leakage every 2 days. And while testing the new pump, no water would come out but pump was whirring, so the mechanic sucked out the air from a rubber pipe and water was able to come out from the nozzles again.
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