Vibration between 120km-140km

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Club Guest
Jan 18, 2005
I've posted my problem before and also got some advice from some of the forummers (Jarance, Tyke and the Klang TT gang). Tried their comments but to no avail.Problem:-Everytime I reach 120km to 140km there will be a vibration from the back can be felt and noticed through shaking of the rear mirror (nothing from the steering though).My car is in the workshop doing the normal servicing, aircond etc. Aside from that I also ask the mechanic to rectify this shaking problem. Was told that vibration at the rear (aside from balancing and rims) are caused by either this 3 a. valve body, b. coupling and c. shaft.I've already change the coupling and valve body, the rubber and bearing at the shaft and coupling still good.The mechanic also did a test by putting in other E36 drive shaft and long shaft but it still doesn't work.Guys.. any ideas or clues, very irritatingla.Cheers
Originally posted by yoke@Feb 20 2006, 07:15 PM
I've posted my problem before and also got some advice from some of the forummers (Jarance, Tyke and the Klang TT gang). Tried their comments but to no avail.
Everytime I reach 120km to 140km there will be a vibration from the back can be felt and noticed through shaking of the rear mirror (nothing from the steering though).
My car is in the workshop doing the normal servicing, aircond etc. Aside from that I also ask the mechanic to rectify this shaking problem. Was told that vibration at the rear (aside from balancing and rims) are caused by either this 3
a. valve body,
b. coupling and
c. shaft.
I've already change the coupling and valve body, the rubber and bearing at the shaft and coupling still good.
The mechanic also did a test by putting in other E36 drive shaft and long shaft but it still doesn't work.
Guys.. any ideas or clues, very irritatingla.
Whats the opinion that people gives you and you have tried ???

Mind to share so that we know what else you haven't do it.


u mean the valve body inside the automatic gearbox ??

usually the vibration is cause by your rear wheel balancing , propellar shaft balancing out.

Your prop shaft center bearing bracket got mount properly onto the chassis or not ??? this prob will occured as well if the center bearing bracket mount wrongly on the chassis.

since when you encounter this problems ?? before or after you change your rear sub frame bush ?

Give more detail dude.
Had exactly the same symptoms a while back. Turned out that camber and toe was well in the red zone. Fixed that and now my car glides to 180 kmph
Initially the problem was the vibration from still. That is, whenever you accelerate from still there will be a vibration from the rear (only happen when the car is accelerating and the vibration is only temporary). At first thought to be gearbox/transmission or axle.

Probable cause:-
a. Incorrect preload of centre bearing
b. Centre bearing rubber deteriorated
c. Flex disc damaged/worn
d. Engine/transmission mount faulty
e. front center guide worn/driveshaft mounting flonges out of round
Universal joint worn/seized
f. sliding coupling seized
g. Driveshaft misaligned

Sent to the mechanic, change the coupling, this problem solve, but than only I got the problem of shaking between 120km to 140km. Been trouble shooting for it. Few times already balancing/aligning the shaft. Change/look at the flex disc/universal joint.
:D Solve By Mechanic,
Nothing to do with alignment/tyre balancing/bearing

The culprit is the splined shaft and clamping sleeve, change, aligned and balance.

Now no more vibration. glides to 160km. B)
Originally posted by yoke@Feb 22 2006, 10:16 AM
:D Solve By Mechanic,
Nothing to do with alignment/tyre balancing/bearing

The culprit is the splined shaft and clamping sleeve, change, aligned and balance.

Now no more vibration. glides to 160km. B)
can show pix of repair area/ parts pls ar? I oso hv may b similar problem at 50kmph-80kmph 4 1 yr oreadi, chg many parts & rebal. butstill kennot solve. :D
2 cents, if its really the drive shaft problem, please refer the following trouble-shooting for Vibration/Audible rumble above 60km/h (taken from Bentley BMW Sevice Manual) :

Probable Cause
a. Front centreing guide worn, or driveshaft mounting flanges out of round or damage
b. Mounting flanges bolt losse or holes worn
c. Driveshaft unbalanced
d. Universal joint worn or seized
e. Sliding coupling seized
f. Incorrect preload of centre bearing
g. Centre bearing faulty
h. final drive rubber mount faulty.
i. Driveshaft misaligned

Corrective Action
a. Checkfront centreing guide and replace if necessary, check runout of driveshaft mounting flanges
b. remove driveshaft and check transmission output flanges and final drive input flanges. Replace if necessary.
c. Check driveshaft for loose or missing balance weights. Have driveshaft rebalanced or replaced if necessary.
d. Check universal joint play & movement. Rpelace driveshaft if necessary.
e. Remove driveshaft and check movement of sliding coupling. Clean coupling splices or replace part as necessary
f. Check preload of centre bearing. Readjust if necessary.
g. Replace centre bearing
h. Inspect final drive rubber mount and replace if necessary.
i. Check driveshaft alignment.
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