Tea discussion

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i always order 'heong phin' but i dunno what it's called in english. Fragrant slice???

I like any tea without sugar.
Hi Grace..

I have almost recover fully, now is just prevent from infections to the new skin.

Lets think of a few place to go.. by the way, any members here are Golf Club's member? Having the tea at Club house is cool too..

I am trying to book for Malaysia Petroleum Club at Twin Tower, hope I can get the approval. It be nice to enjoy the tea with exclusive view from 42nd floor of Twin Tower.
interesting, geoff!

have you fully recovered yet? else how to have tea party??

i am interested to meet for tea:
1. ah lian
2. geoffreylee
3. osflanker?
4. Sithwarrior ( depending on date and if I am in the country )

i am not sure where we can go... as I have only seen bkt shops and eating places in klang that let you bring your own tea. suggestions?
Dear Mr GeoffreyLee, Sir...

Firstly.. how do you do???? Have u recover? Fully-recover???? I hope you did...

Anyway... I NEED HELP.. again... (boohooo) I need lotsa infos about the Bidayuh Tea... please PM me as I need more information about Bidayuh cultures as well... I cant find any of those online as most of the webpages are labelled as "ERROR" bla bla bla yada yada yada... if possible I need sum information from a pure Bidayuh lad... (I dont know any Bidayuh here in KL).

Are there any Kelabit people and Iban people here as well???? Please... need help.. urgently...

PM me or email me at: farahfhh@gmail.com

Thank you....

When are we gonna have tea, Geoffrey Lee???? (damn... it rhymesssss)
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