Tail Lights

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Mar 23, 2006
HiThis is my first posting, recently my 318 E36.I have been having intermittent tail lights problem.Sometimes 1 side works, sometimes boths sides ok, today realize both tail lights were out, but brake lights were working.Being a newbie would appreciate if someone could recommend a goodworkshop for wiring or checking on lightsthankscs
why don't u try going accessories shop to check whether the bulbs r gone or not before going to check from BMW specialist?? :)
Hehe....sometimes on sometimes off might be a socket prob.Clean or buy a new one. :p
tht is common problem for E36. :D .it just the contact need a bit smack down..twist a bit here & there...I seen many E36 on the road r having the same problem ..sometimes the left ok right not ok & vice versa... sometime got light but not bright enough compare to the other side..it is the connector problem..
Update: The bulps are NOT burn out, they are ok.
The fuse were ok, not sure as of yesterday, the front light seems to be ok.

Last week a wireman opened up the light switch dial at the dash board and said might be the connection from there?, he suggested that I try to change the turning/dial switch connector at the dash board (how much does this cost?).

As of last night, both tail lights are out. Front and Brake lights are ok.
Need to get back to KL while daylight is still there!.

Suggestion of a good wireman shop would be good for me to check on first thing Saturday morning?

Thanks in advance
Get second opinion. I did mine quite cheap you may want to try selvam at Jalan Railway.
dude .... fire's right. It's common problem on E36. you've got to fix the contact point

Mine was a connector problem. Only one side of the tail lamp was OK. Damn irritating because every time starts the car the OBC will display a message i.e. Third Brake Light Failure if I'm not mistaken.

I tweaked the connector but this only provide temporary solution to my problem. I then send the car to a few electricians but they were unable to resolve my problem definitively.

My final solution albeit quite extreme was replacing the rear tail lamp with a new set. Set me back close to RM800 but my problem was finally solved.

Yours might not even be the connector due to both tail lamps are not working. If it is a connector problem the advice put forth by fire i.e. "it just the contact need a bit smack down..twist a bit here & there" should provide a temporary respite to your problem. You should try this first and if this solves your problem you'll know for sure it is a connector problem and you can focus your time and efforts to replace the connector.
Hi All,
Update: Had all the rear connector checked at the workshop, even there sometimes there is light sometimes none.

Finally diagnosed to the Light Switch Module ($160), and there was no problem after that.

Thanks to every1 for their clues/experiences shared

yeah.. mine costed RM160 as well for that switch. Be gentle with the switch guys. I can't believe BMW came up with such a soft thingy.
Dear Bro,

Just a suggestion -somethimes even if the bulbs are not burnt - change them first before resorting to big buck$$$. It could be that the connector at the bulbs are worn. I have tried them out and it works ok after that. I think it costs RM 3.20 for a pack of 2 from Jaya Jusco/Tesco.... :D
possible going over flood water can have the problem like cs318? left brake light not working, take the bulb socket out twist here twist there and it light up again (that means bulb is still ok). but after 1 hours, start engine again same thing happen (cartoon come out in dash display showing error on left rear light), again twist here and there, the bulb light up again n cartoon gone. i dun think it has anything to do with the flood water right?
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